The design of SNOMED CT facilitates the use of a range of powerful reporting and analytic techniques. For more information about the applications of these techniques, please see the guide to Data Analytics with SNOMED CT. The same techniques can also be employed to support clinical decision support as described in the guide to Decision Support with SNOMED CT

Table 3.4-1 shows a summary of the terminology services required to support reporting and analytics. 

Table 3.4-1: Services Required to Support EHR Reporting and Analytics

Practical Requirement

Status 1

Required Terminology Services2

Additional Terminology Service Dependencies3

Enable the selection of SNOMED CT edition and version to be used.


4.1 Select Edition and VersionN/A

Get terms for concepts to use in human readable representations of:

  • Query specifications
  • Reports and analytics results


4.3 Get Terms for a Concept


Apply concept subsumption tests as part of a reporting or analytics query


4.5 Get and Test Concept Subtypes and Supertypes


Apply reference set membership criteria as part of a reporting or analytics query


4.6 Get and Test Reference Set Membership


Validate expression constraints


4.7 Validate and Apply Expression Constraints

  • Validate an expression constraint

Apply an expression constraint query as part of a reporting or analytics query4


4.7 Validate and Apply Expression Constraints

  • Get all concepts that conform to an expression constraint

Find concepts to include in a reporting or analytics query including:

  • Concept identifiers for use in expression constraints and queries including:
    • Reference set identifiers for reference set membership tests
    • Supertypes for subsumption tests
    • Attributes and value ranges for using in expression constraints and queries


4.8 Find Concepts

  • Get concepts using constrained term searches

4.13 Get Concept Model Rules

  • Create queries that are consistent with concept model rules


Include subsumed or equivalent expressions in the results of a reporting or analytics query


4.15 Test Expression Subsumption


Applications designed to address this use case must support the practical requirements marked as Required. Support for the practical requirements marked as Optional is recommended as these provide enhanced functionality that may be required by some users.
In most cases, a reference to a subsection of 4 Terminology Service Types, implies a requirement for all services marked as Required in that subsection. However, where a reference is followed by a bulleted list, that list specifies the specific terminology services required. Some of the specific services listed as required for an Optional practical requirement may be marked as Recommended in the referenced subsection.
The Additional Terminology Service Dependencies column contains references to services on which a Required Terminology Service depends. This column does not restate dependencies on services listed as required service or additional dependencies for essential requirements listed in earlier rows. A full list of the dependencies of each terminology service is provided in the relevant subsection of 4 Terminology Service Types.
Implementation of expression constraints in a reporting or analytics queries differs from use of a constraints when searching the terminology. When a constraint is applied to a set of instance records it may be necessary to take account of the ways in which data is represented in the EHR. For example, as noted in 3.2 Support EHR Data Entry, the data entry context may have a meaning binding that modifies the interpretation of a particular concept.
