This document describes, formulates recommendations, and establishes guidelines on important and common issues relevant to the translation of SNOMED CT®. It is crucial that those involved in the translation, verification, validation, and approval processes are familiar with the terminological principles on which SNOMED CT® is based. It is equally important that they comply with SNOMED International Style Guides and that they are conscious of issues such as the choice of lexical variant, term requirements, translation techniques, and the importance of ensuring linguistic consistency.

These general guidelines may be used as a template to develop national guidelines. In addition to linguistic and terminological guidelines, this document includes general recommendations about the steps involved in a translation workflow process, and, information about source documents or references that must be made available to those involved in the translation process.

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This document is a publication of International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation, trading as SNOMED International.  SNOMED International owns and maintains SNOMED CT®.

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SNOMED®, SNOMED CT® and IHTSDO® are registered trademarks of International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation. SNOMED CT® licensing information is available at For more information about SNOMED International and SNOMED International Membership, please refer to or contact us at

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