Replacement slots serve as a placeholder for a value that is not known at the time of authoring, but which can be completed at a subsequent time using data recorded elsewhere (such as in an information model or entered into a data entry form). A slot indicates that it may be replaced by a value by including a plus sign ( + ) as the first symbol within the slot. Replacement slots may be used in an expression template wherever a concept, expression or symbol may appear within an expression. 

Focus concept

A replacement slot may be used to delay the selection of a focus concept in an expression. For example, the expression template below uses a slot to indicate that the focus concept in the expression can be replaced with any appropriate SNOMED CT expression. This expression template represents any expression with a single refinement in which the | Laterality| equals | Right| .

If the following values are provided to complete the slot:
     182245002 |Entire upper limb|
182281004 |Entire lower limb|
244486005 |Entire eye|
1910005 |Entire ear|                            
then the expressions that result from processing the template would be:

Attribute Value

A replacement slot may also be used to replace an attribute value in an expression. For example, the expression template below represents any expression with a focus concept of  | Clinical finding|  and a refinement which uses the attribute | Finding site| . The value of the | Finding site|  attribute may be replaced by any valid value at a future time.

If the following value is provided to complete the slot: then the expression that results from processing the template would be: If, however, the value provided to complete the slot was the expression: then the result of processing the template would be: Please note that the template processor must add round brackets around the subexpression to ensure that the resulting expression is syntactically valid.  

Attribute Name

A replacement slot may also be used to replace an attribute name in an expression. For example, the expression template below represents any expression with a focus concept of  | Clinical finding|  and a refinement whose value equals | Rheumatic fever| The attribute name in the expression may be replaced by any valid attribute concept at a future time.

If the following values are provided to complete the slot: then the expressions that result from processing the template would be:
