This page describes and explains the required additional MySQL configuration settings for the SNOMED CT example database. For instructions on how to apply these settings see A.3.2 Set Required MySQL Configuration (MacOS) or A.4.2 Set Required MySQL Configuration (Windows).

The following MySQL settings are required for loading and using the SNOMED CT MySQL database.

SettingExplanationApplies to
local-infile=1Required to ensure that data can be loaded into the database from local files (e.g. SNOMED CT Release Files)

mysqld, mysql, client

ft_stopword_file = ''

The two settings improve the full text search capabilities of the database.

  • The first one removes the stop word list (which contains many words that are significant in clinical terms). An alternative approach would be a smaller stop word list but tests with SNOMED CT seem to suggest that this would not result in a significant improvement in performance.
  • The second setting allows words that are 2 letters long to be indexed (the default setting is 4 which means terms like leg, arm, eye, ear ... are not found in searches). Reducing this to 3 resolves this issue but still means that common clinical abbreviations like MI, FH, RA as not indexed.
ft_min_word_len = 2
disable-log-binThese two settings stop the MySQL server from creating binary log files. Creation of these log files during the import process not only results in substantially slowing of the process but can also generates huge log files that more than double the space required for installation.mysqld

The additional configuration settings required are specified in the following way in a file provided in the SnomedRfsMySql/cnf folder.

Content of additional configuration file: my_snomedserver.cnf
ft_stopword_file = ''
ft_min_word_len = 2
