Principles for modifying reference sets include:
- Reference sets can be modified by
- Adding or inactivating reference set members. Please refer to the guidance on Add Members to a Reference Set or Remove Members from a Reference Set.
- Modifying mutable attribute values of reference set members. To see what attributes are mutable for each reference set type, please refer to the specification of the specific reference set type in the reference set release files specification. If the reference set type is a locally defined reference set, please consider any mutability constraints on the individual attributes.
- Don't modify immutable attributes of a reference set.
- In the case where the modification of an immutable attribute is required, this should be done by inactivating the reference set member and creating a new reference set member with the required, updated values.
- If circumstances require you to modify reference set members that belong to another
module than the producers extension, following options exist:
- Inactivating the specific reference set member in your own module and create a new
reference set member with the updated value
- The benefit of this approach is that you retain the definition and representation of the reference set member as it was intended by its original authors, and the new reference set member will be easily identified as a local reference set member, as the identifier of that reference set member is not available in the original reference set
- Create a new version of the specific reference set member in your own module, and make the necessary modifications
- Inactivating the specific reference set member in your own module and create a new
reference set member with the updated value
The table below provides a summary of the process to follow when modifying an existing member in a Reference Set.
Table Modify reference set member
File Type | Process |
Concept | The metadata concept representing the reference set is retained |
Reference Set | A new reference set row is created and the id is retained from the previous version of the refset member. |
Versioning and module identification attributes are set accordingly:
| |
Attributes common for all reference set types are set accordingly:
| |
Attributes specific to the reference set type are set accordingly: