The | Component annotation type reference set| Component Annotation Type Reference Set is dedicated to providing additional contextual information related to specific SNOMED CT components. This reference set type allows users to annotate SNOMED CT components such as concepts, descriptions, and relationships with supplementary details.  Where the 900000000000521006 | Association type reference set| linked a SNOMED CT component to another SNOMED CT component, the | Component annotation type reference set| allows a SNOMED CT component to be associated with a wide variety of information.

The primary objective of Component Annotation Type Reference Sets is to offer insights that aid in the evaluation of changes made to SNOMED CT components. These annotations serve as valuable metadata, assisting in the understanding, implementation, and management of SNOMED CT content without impacting the classification of concepts. For instance, they can include details about the rationale behind a modification, usage guidance, or any other relevant information that enriches the understanding of the component's purpose and intended use.

Example Use Case

One important use case for the SNOMED CT Component Annotation Type reference set, particularly regarding annotations to concepts, involves the application of attribution annotations, i.e. explaining where certain content comes from. This is helpful when different groups or organizations collaborate on the creation and maintenance of SNOMED CT content.

These annotations can include different types of information, such as hyperlinks or text in different languages. This variety of information helps to keep track of who contributed what and why. For example, web links can directly link to outside sources or contributor profiles, making things transparent and easy to follow. Supporting text in different languages helps people understand content better in different languages. These annotations are like a record book that helps keep track of contributions, encourages teamwork, and explains important details about SNOMED CT content. providing essential context for the content within SNOMED CT.

Reference Specific Attributes

Besides from the identification and versioning attributes, the component annotation reference set type has following attributes.



The identifier of the  component to be annotated.

Specifies the language of the Annotation text using the two character ISO-639-1 code. Note that this specifies a language level only, not a dialect or country code.

NOTE:  This field should be blank wherever a language code is not applicable, but never NULL.

The Annotation itself, with a maximum size of 32Kb, represented in UTF-8 encoding.
