The stated relationships file is no longer maintained and distributed. From July 2019 it was replaced by the OWL Expression Reference Set file.

A previously used distribution file that contained the stated form represented by SNOMED CT relationships .


  1. The stated form of a Concept is the Description Logic definition that is directly edited by authors or editors. It consists of the stated 116680003 | is a| relationships plus the defining relationships that exist prior to running a classifier on the logic definitions. 
  2. Prior to July 2019 the stated form of a Concept was represented by a collection of relationships: one or more 116680003 | Is a| relationships and zero or more defining relationships .
  3. The Stated Relationships File was in the same table format as the Relationships File, but the value of the characteristicTypeId field is 900000000000010007 | Stated relationship (core metadata concept)| .
