A concept definition is a set of one or more axioms that partially or sufficiently specify the meaning of a SNOMED CT concept.
- Concept definitions are represented in two ways in SNOMED CT release files:
- As a stated view represented by axioms that conform to the OWL Functional Syntax distributed in the OWL Expression Reference Set file.
- As an inferred view represented by defining relationships that are distributed in the relationship file. The inferred view is generated by applying description logic classification to the stated view.
- Concept definitions include two distinct elements
- Axioms that assert that a concept is a subtype of one or more other concepts. In the inferred view these are represented as subtype relationships.
- Axioms that assert characteristics of a concept that distinguish it from its supertypes. In the inferred view these are represented as attribute relationships.
This appendix illustrates some of the features of concept definitions outlined in section 2.3 Concept Definitions.
The information in this section is particularly relevant to those wishing to understand the changes being made to enhance the representation of stated concept definitions between July 2018 and 2019. The transitional period for these changes begins with the July 31 release of the SNOMED CT International Edition and is scheduled to be completed during 2019.