Reference sets types are identified by concepts that are subtypes of the metadata concept  900000000000455006 | reference set| . Individual reference sets of a particular type are identified and named by concepts that are  subtype descendants of the concept that identifies the reference set type.

Table 5.1.4-1: Reference Set Types in the Metadata Hierarchy (2018-01-31)

Other concepts within the metadata hierarchy are used to name additional attributes within particular types of reference sets and to provide values for those attributes.

Table 5.1.4-2: Reference Set Attributes in Metadata Hierarchy (2018-01-31) (some omitted)

  900000000000457003 |Reference set attribute|
447257003 |"Linked to" reference set attribute|
900000000000511003 |Acceptability|
900000000000518009 |Annotated component|
900000000000519001 |Annotation|
900000000000532006 |Association source component|
900000000000533001 |Association target component|
900000000000458008 |Attribute description|
900000000000479008 |Attribute order|
723576002 |Attribute rule|
900000000000459000 |Attribute type|
900000000000491004 |Attribute value|
733616009 |Authoring substrate|
723571007 |Cardinality|
609431004 |Concept model domain|
609432006 |Concept model range|
609642003 |Concept model relationship type|
723573005 |Concept model rule strength|
723574004 |Content type|
900000000000535008 |Dependency target|
900000000000539002 |Description format|
900000000000510002 |Description in dialect|
900000000000544009 |Description length|
723565001 |Domain constraint|
733612006 |Expansion substrate|
706999006 |Expression|
900000000000514006 |Generated reference set|
723572000 |Grouped|
723570008 |Guide URL|
900000000000504002 |Map advice|
609330002 |Map category value|
900000000000501005 |Map group|
900000000000502003 |Map priority|
900000000000503008 |Map rule|
900000000000500006 |Map source concept|
900000000000505001 |Map target|
723577006 |MRCM rule reference set|
705116007 |Original code system source for linked content value|
723566000 |Parent domain|
447255006 |Priority order reference set attribute|
723567009 |Proximal primitive constraint|
723568004 |Proximal primitive refinement|
900000000000515007 |Query|
733615008 |Query language|
733617000 |Query string|
723575003 |Range constraint|
     ... more attributes ...
