The Concrete Value file holds one relationship per row. Each relationship is of a particular type, and has a source concept and a value. An example of a relationship taking a concrete value is given below:

322236009 | Product containing precisely paracetamol 500 milligram/1 each conventional release oral tablet (clinical drug)|   1142135004 | Has presentation strength numerator value (attribute)|  #500 where:

Table 4.2.6-1: Concrete Value file - Detailed specification


Data type


Part of Primary Key


Uniquely identifies the relationship.


YES (Full/ Snapshot) 

Specifies the inclusive date at which the component version's state became the then current valid state of the component.

Note: In distribution files the effectiveTime should follow the short ISO date format (YYYYMMDD) and should not include the hours, minutes, seconds or timezone indicator.


YES (Full)

Optional (Snapshot) 

Specifies whether the state of the relationship was active or inactive from the nominal release date specified by the effectiveTime field.



Identifies the relationship version's module. Set to a child of 900000000000443000 | Module| within the metadata hierarchy.



Identifies the source concept of the relationship version. That is the concept defined by this relationship. Set to the identifier of a concept.



Identifies the concrete value that is related to the relationship version.

This could be an Integer, Decimal or String. Numbers are prefixed with a # (hash) symbol. Strings are surrounded with " (double quote) with double quotes inside the string escaped using \ (backslash).

Note that the values that can be applied to particular attributes are formally defined by the   SNOMED CT Machine Readable Concept Model.




Groups together relationship versions that are part of a logically associated relationshipGroup. All active Relationship records with the same relationshipGroup number and sourceId are grouped in this way.



Identifies the concept that represent the defining attribute (or relationship type) represented by this relationship version.

That is the concept representing the value of the attribute represented by the typeId column.

Set to the identifier of a concept. The concept identified must be a subtype of 4762706009 | Concept model data attribute (attribute)| . The concepts that can be used as in the typeId column of the Concrete Value file are formally defined as follows:

Note that the attributes that can be applied to particular concepts are formally defined by the SNOMED CT Machine Readable Concept Model.



A concept enumeration value that identifies the characteristic type of the relationship version (i.e. whether the relationship version is defining, qualifying, etc.) This field is set to a descendant of 900000000000449001 | Characteristic type| in the metadata hierarchy.



A concept enumeration value that identifies the type of Description Logic (DL) restriction (some, all, etc.). Set to a child of 900000000000450001 | Modifier| in the metadata hierarchy.

Currently the only value used in this column is 900000000000451002 | Some| and thus in practical terms this column can be ignored. For further clarification please see Notes on modifierId.



In general, the rules and behaviour of the Concrete Value file is identical to that of the Relationship file, with the destinationId column replaced with a value column. 

Only one relationship record with the same id field will be current at any point in time. The current record will be the one with the most recent effectiveTime before or equal to the point in time under consideration.

If the active field of this record is false ('0'), then the relationship is inactive at that point in time. If the active field is true ('1'), then there is a relationship between the SNOMED CT concepts identified by sourceId and value.

The sourceId, typeId, value, relationshipGroup, characteristicTypeId and modifierId will not change between two rows with the same id.  In other words, they are immutable. Where a change is required to one of these fields, then the current row will be de-activated (by appending a row with the same id and the active field set to false) and a new row with a new id will be appended. The relationshipGroup field is used to group relationships with the same sourceId field into one or more logical sets. A relationship with a relationshipGroup field value of '0' is considered not to be grouped. All relationships with the same sourceId and non-zero relationshipGroup are considered to be logically grouped.

The relationshipGroup field will be an unsigned Integer, and will not be limited to a single digit value. There is no guarantee that they will be assigned sequentially, and the values will not be unique across concepts.

The value field is restricted to 4096 (4K) characters in length.

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