The following additional quality assurance should be developed for the OWL refsets though this is not a complete list.

  1. Validation of expressions following OWL Functional-Style Syntax specification

  2. Validation of profile of the OWL ontology generated from the OWL refsets

  3. Each active concept should have at least one active axiom

  4. Each active concept can only have one declaration of Class, Object property, or Data property

  5. Inactive concept must not have active axiom

  6. Active axiom must not contain any inactive component

  7. Domain and range validation by property types

    1. All descendants of  | Concept model object attribute| can only have target values from component of concept or expression

    2. All descendants of  | Concept model data attribute| can only have target values from data types and it must not have values from component of concept1

1 Utilise the OWL API 4 or 5 for profile violation check as part of QA
