Source concepts representing a poisoning from a drug or noxious substance may be mapped to one, two, or three target classification codes depending upon the specificity of the source concept. The poisoning code for the drug or substance will be designated as the primary target code (mapGroup = 1), ICD-10 codes T36-T50. WHO guidance dictates that the sole exception to this rule occurs when the manifestation is a neoplastic disorder. Neoplasms are always mapped as the first target code.

Should the source concept specify the symptoms or findings resulting from the poisoning, the appropriate target code will be mapped as the second map (mapGroup = 2) except in cases of neoplastic complications when the poisoning code will occur second.

When the SNOMED CT concept specifies the action intent/site of injury involved within the event, a specific ICD classification code from range X40-X49, X60-X84, Y10-Y34, or Y40-Y59 will be employed as the second or third target code (mapGroup = 2 or 3). If the source concept does not specify intent, WHO guidance will be reviewed for a default map which will be assigned a mapCategoryId of "Properly classified" with mapAdvice of "MAPPED FOLLOWING WHO GUIDANCE".


Exemplar: Poisoning: #1

767146004 | Toxic effect of arsenic and its compounds (disorder)| maps to T57.0, Toxic effects of arsenic compounds. No symptoms are specified. WHO guidance specifies the default intent as accidental poisoning.

  • mapGroup = 1, mapCategoryId="Properly classified", mapRule=TRUE. mapAdvice is "ALWAYS T57.0". Map Target = "T57.0"
  • mapGroup = 2, mapCategoryId = "Properly classified", mapRule = TRUE, Map Target =X48 "Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides". mapAdvice will be "ALWAYS X48" and "POSSIBLE REQUIREMENT FOR PLACE OF OCCURRENCE" and "MAPPED FOLLOWING WHO GUIDANCE"

Exemplar: Poisoning: #2

296934007 | Accidental warfarin overdose (disorder)| maps to:

  • T45.5 "Poisoning by anticoagulant" (mapGroup 1, mapCategoryId="Properly classified", mapRule=TRUE, mapAdvice= "ALWAYS T45.5", Map Target = "T45.5"
  • X44 "Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances" (mapGroup 2, mapRule=TRUE. mapAdvice is "ALWAYS X44" and "POSSIBLE REQUIREMENT FOR PLACE OF OCCURRENCE", Map Target = "X44".

Exemplar: Poisoning: #3

403742006 | Arsenic-induced skin malignancy (disorder)| maps to:

  • C44.9 "Malignant neoplasm of skin unspecified" (mapGroup 1, mapCategoryId="Properly classified", mapRule=TRUE. mapAdvice is "ALWAYS C44.9" and "POSSIBLE REQUIREMENT FOR MORPHOLOGY CODE". Map Target = "C44.9"

This code is mapped first since the manifestation is a neoplasm.

  • T57.0 "Toxic effects of arsenic compounds" (mapGroup 2, mapCategoryId="Properly classified", mapRule=TRUE, mapAdvice is "ALWAYS T57.0" Map Target ="T57.0"
  • X48 "Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides" (mapGroup 3, mapCategoryId = "Properly classified", mapRule = TRUE. mapAdvice is "ALWAYS X48" and "POSSIBLE REQUIREMENT FOR PLACE OF OCCURRENCE" and "MAPPED FOLLOWING WHO GUIDANCE" Map Target = "X48"

Exemplar: Poisoning: #4

7248001 | Poisoning by salicylate (disorder)| maps to:

  • T39.0 "Toxic effects of salicylates" (mapGroup 1), mapCategoryId="Properly classified", Map Rule=TRUE; MapAdvice= "ALWAYS T39.0" Map Target = "T39.0"
  • X40 "Accidental poisoning by non-opioids" (mapGroup 2), mapCategoryId = "Properly classified", Map Rule = TRUE. MapAdvice is "ALWAYS X40" and "POSSIBLE REQUIREMENT FOR PLACE OF OCCURRENCE" and "MAPPED FOLLOWING WHO GUIDANCE" Map Target = " X40"

Exemplar: Poisoning: #5

216471009 | Accidental poisoning by salicylates (disorder)| maps to:

  • T39.0 "Toxic effects of salicylates" (mapGroup 1) mapCategoryId="Properly classified", Map Rule=TRUE; MapAdvice= "ALWAYS T39.0" Map Target = "T39.0"
  • X40 "Accidental poisoning by non-opioids" (mapGroup 2) mapCategoryId = "Properly classified", Map Rule = TRUE. MapAdvice is "ALWAYS X40" and "POSSIBLE REQUIREMENT FOR PLACE OF OCCURRENCE" Map Target = " X40"

Exemplar: Poisoning: #6

295830007 | Overdose of antidepressant drug (disorder)| maps to:

  • T43.2 "Poisoning by other and unspecified antidepressants" as the default target code. The alphabetic reference for poisoning by antidepressants lists three essential modifiers for subclasses of antidepressants which are found as descendants of the source concept and qualify for mapping but this is a high level concept and so these exclusions are not mapped. mapAdvice is "ALWAYS T43.2" Map Target = "T43.2"
  • X41 "Accidental poisoning by psychotropic drug" mapGroup 2, mapCategoryId = "Properly classified", Map Rule = TRUE. mapAdvice is "ALWAYS X41" and "POSSIBLE REQUIREMENT FOR PLACE OF OCCURRENCE" and "MAPPED FOLLOWING WHO GUIDANCE" Map Target = "X41"
