Purpose of the Map

  • To provide a semi-automated coding of ICD-10 statistical classification data from a clinical record which is clinically encoded in SNOMED CT
  • To aid in the development of ICD-10 classification codes from SNOMED CT-encoded records for use in registries and diagnosis groupers
  • To serve as a SNOMED CT to ICD-10 map validated and sanctioned by the WHO and SNOMED International and as a source for the development of maps to ICD-10 extensions developed and maintained by a member country

What the Map is Not

  • A completely automated ICD-10 coding from a SNOMED CT source
  • Support for social, cultural, ethical or financial constraints on ICD-10 coding required by members or other organizations
  • A map that supports management of context beyond that found in the coded record and ICD-10 conventions and rules as noted in this document
  • A map that optimizes or manipulates ICD-10 codes for reimbursement purposes

Audience for the Map

The ICD-10 map is intended to provide support within the specified mapping use case for SNOMED International Members and Affiliates that:

  • have deployed, or are deploying, SNOMED CT in clinical information systems; and
  • use the 2016 edition of ICD-10 in systems for purposes of statistical reporting, epidemiology, cancer, injury and other registries, quality reporting, safety reporting, and research.

The ICD-10 map is also intended to support use by WHO Collaborating Centers in interested countries where SNOMED CT is deployed or is being deployed.

Supported Use Case

Map with patient context management

Patient Jones is being discharged from the hospital. The attending physician has maintained a diagnosis and health-related problem list coded in SNOMED CT during the stay and updates the entries at discharge. The vendor software employs the MAP, which uses a knowledge-based algorithm of sequential computable Map Rules. These rules evaluate context (data recorded about the patient in the electronic health record) and co-morbidities in the electronic record to identify the most appropriate candidate ICD-10 code list based on ICD-10 exclusion / inclusion guidance and other conventions. Vendor software which cannot employ these knowledge-based features can employ the helpful mapAdvice to provide a readable and understandable list of step-by-step instructions for the physician to support a choice of an ICD-10 code. The ICD-10 coding professional later reviews and edits the classification code list prior to submission for statistical morbidity reporting. The mapAdvice data further guides them with information regarding additional WHO rubrics and requirements.

Authoritative Resources

The SNOMED CT mapping is constructed using the latest version of the SNOMED CT International Release as distributed by SNOMED International and the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, Tenth Revision (© World Health Organization 1994) ICD-10 2016 version published and maintained by the World Health Organization. The MAP will be reviewed and updated for each new release of SNOMED CT and every three years for ICD-10 major updates.
