A narrative text explanation of the meaning of a concept that may exceed the maximum permitted length for a fully specified name.
- Textual definitions are optional and are only provided for a limited number of concepts, where there is a requirement additional detail.
- Textual definitions are distributed as descriptions with a description type 900000000000550004 | Definition (core metadata concept)| .
- A file that conforms to the standard description file format is used to distribute textual definitions. However, descriptions in this file have a maximum permitted length of 4096 characters.
Textual definitions should not be confused with the formal logic definitions of concepts expressed using OWL axioms or defining relationships.
- One use of textual definitions is to indicate alignment of a SNOMED CT concept with a specific clinical definition of a condition.
For example 11530004 | Brittle diabetes mellitus (disorder)| has the following textual definition:
Related Links
- Term
- Fully specified name
- Release File Specification
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