This is an abbreviation for precoordinated expression.
precoordinated expression
A SNOMED CT expression that containing a single concept identifier that represents an idea.
- Precoordinated expressions combine all aspects of a potentially multifaceted concept into a single discrete form.
- The syntax used to represent SNOMED CT expressions is called the SNOMED CT compositional grammar and is formally defined in the Compositional Grammar - Specification and Guide.
- The procedure, laparoscopic emergency appendectomy can be represented with the precoordinated expression 174041007 |laparoscopic emergency appendectomy| to record an instance of this procedure. This procedure has at least three distinct facets: removal of appendix, using a laparoscope, and as an emergency procedure. SNOMED CT precoordinates these facets in one concept.
- Precoordinated
- Precoordination
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