Superseded by - Beta release package.
Beta release package
A SNOMED CT release package made available for review and testing only.
- Implementers and other stakeholders review and test the beta release.
- The beta release package is made available prior to the production release. It must not be used in production clinical systems or in clinical settings. This includes Affiliate Licensees or any third parties, except those who have formally committed to test it.
- The beta release status indicates it is expected to subsequently be confirmed as a production release. If there is significant issue in format or content, it may be withdrawn, or replaced with an updated beta release package. Whether or not it becomes a production release is decided shortly before the due date for the next release. If a beta release is subsequently confirmed as a production release, all updates are fully version-tracked from the date of the beta release.
- Beta releases were formerly known as candidate baseline releases.
- Beta package
- Beta release
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