246090004 |Associated finding (attribute)| = 363358000 |Malignant tumor of lung (disorder)|,
              408729009 |Finding context (attribute)| = 415684004 |Suspected (qualifier value)|,
              408732007 |Subject relationship context (attribute)| = 410604004 |Subject of record (person)|,
              408731000 |Temporal context (attribute)| = 410512000 |Current or specified time (qualifier value)| At level 2, the terminology server will accept expressions matching the following pattern:

At level 1, the terminology server will accept CTU expressions matching the following pattern:

[[<<  404684003 |Clinical finding| @finding]]:
408729009 |Finding context|  = [[+id(<<  410514004 |Finding context value| )@context]],
408731000 |Temporal context|  = [[+id(<<  410510008 |Temporal context value| )@time]],
408732007 |Subject relationship context|  = [[+id(<<  125676002 |Person| )@person]] 

This pattern allows attributes applicable to the   413350009 | Finding with explicit context (situation)|  domain to be used to add contextual information to clinical finding concepts.

Important Notes

The terminology server will only accept expressions complying to this pattern if the focus concept of the CTU expression has the following characteristics:

  • The focus concept
    • is the concept 404684003 |Clinical finding| or a subtype hereof
  • For each expression, only one instance of each attribute is accepted
  • The value of the attribute must be within the allowed range of the attribute as specified by the MRCM

 Examples of CTU expressions and their evaluation at level 2 Examples of CTU expressions and their evaluation at level 2

The generated classifiable form must be based on the following expression with 413350009 | Finding with explicit context (situation)| as the focus concept and the following default attributes and values unless otherwise specified by the CTU. The value of the Associated finding attribute will be replaced by the focus concept of the CF expression.

Table Examples of CTU expressions and their evaluation at level 1.

Input expression
Classifiable form

The focus concept is not a subtype of 404684003 |Clinical finding|, and the expression, therefore, does not match this pattern.

Furthermore, the |Subject relationship context| of the focus concept is 410604004 |Subject of record|, and the concept 72705000 |Mother| can, therefore, not be used to refine the meaning of the focus concept. 

