Concepts specifying a particular physical state (e.g. liquid, solid, fumes, vapor, crystal, foam) of a substance should be represented as the sibling for the unspecified substance and also have a parent concept that relates to the structure of the substance.
Concepts specifying a particular physical form (e.g. micronized, macrocrystal, microsphere) should have a parent concept that relates to the structure of the substance and also an Is modification of (attribute) relationship to the unspecified substance concept.
Modeling - Micronized substance
Parent concept | Most distal appropriate descendant of 105590001 |Substance (substance)| An additional parent concept to be allocated to denote physical form as appropriate |
Semantic tag | (substance) |
Definition status | Primitive |
Attributes | 738774007 |Is modification of (attribute)| relationship to the unspecified substance 726542003 |Has disposition (attribute)| as appropriate |
Fumes should be expressed in the plural (i.e. fumes as opposed to fume).
Fumes and vapor are different and so should not be used as synonyms on the same concept. https://www.commerce.wa.gov.au/worksafe/gases-vapours-smoke-and-fumes
FSN | Pattern:
For example,
Preferred Term | Pattern:
For example,
Synonyms | Pattern: X form to represent EN-GB language variants where appropriate For example,
Figure: View of both stated and inferred form of 278945005 |Iron fumes (substance)|
Figure: Stated view of 414246008 |Fenofibrate micronized (substance)|