Physical devices relevant to healthcare or to injuries/accidents | |
Out of scope
The following types of concepts are out of scope for the Physical object hierarchy.
High level component groupers - High lever grouper concepts that include the term "component" in their name are out of scope of the International edition. Specific device concepts which are logically components, e.g., 304121006 |Femoral head prosthesis (physical object)|, are acceptable as long as the term "component" is not included in the name.
In Vitro Diagnostic - In vitro diagnostic refers to a device that has no direct contact with the patient and does not provide treatment.
Kits or Sets - Concepts containing unspecified data characteristics of kit and set are not in scope for the International edition because what comprises a kit or set may vary across locale or institution or by manufacturer. Concepts described as a kit or set may be handled in other resources such as an UDI repository or National Extension.
Packaged Together - Packaged together means packed (e.g., wrapped or sealed) in a single container that is not intended to be unwrapped or unsealed before it is used by an end user.