

396275006 |Osteoarthritis (disorder)| is primarily a degenerative disease, although recent research has identified an increased role of inflammation as an inciting cause.  Because of this, 396275006 |Osteoarthritis (disorder)| should now be modeled with a morphology that represents both the inflammatory and degenerative aspects of the disease, 1343602002 |Degeneration and inflammation (morphologic abnormality)|.  According to many authoritative sources, osteoarthritis is now regarded as an inflammatory disease, and is now a subtype of arthritis.

SNOMED International uses a number of primary authoritative sources to guide the definition of concepts.  For the disease hierarchy, UpToDate ( is used as a primary authoritative source.  As of November 2024, according to this site, “In the past, οѕteоаrthritiѕ (ՕΑ) was considered to be simply a degenerative "wear and tear" process and therefore often misnamed as degenerative joint disease.  However, the pathogenesis of ՕΑ is much more complex than just wear and tear and the term "οѕteоarthritis," where "-itis" is indicative of an inflammatory process, is indeed correct .”  Additional recent academic articles also confirm the inflammatory nature of OA.

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