To provide consistency and clarity, there has been an effort to use certain styles and specific terms within the Editorial Guide.

Although this has been the intent, it is the content of the Guide that has been the focus. Consequently, authors may find instances where alternative styles or terms are used.

  • To emphasize a word in a sentence or phrase
  • To indicate the name of something

Upper case first letter

  • To emphasize a word in a sentence or phrase not necessarily at the beginning


Not used in:

Don't do this

  • Lists when items contained therein are not sentences
  • At the end of sentences within tables
  • Presented as:

For example,

      • text of example
  • When possible, examples from the SNOMED CT browser are provided. When examples from the browser are not available, i.e do not yet exist, they are obtained from other sources


  • Note = yellow
    • For example
    • For more information
  • Tip = green
    • For example
    • Concept modeling
    • URLs
  • Warning = red
    • Exceptions
  • Info = blue


For more information

Contains general information or additional resource (may be a link)


Contains modeling information

Exception or Inactivation or Under Revision

Contains information about content exceptions, inactivation, or under revision


Informational box



  • Heading row - light green fill; bold font
  • Sub-heading row - light blue fill
  • Column heading - light blue fill
  • Other cells - may have pink fill for emphasis
  • Footing row - light yellow fill
Heading row

Footing row

Note: Tables generated from the Human Readable Concept Model have unique formatting

Text formats

  • "Quotation marks"
  • Bold font
  • Minimally used
Page headings
  • Section headings - Heading 2

  • Subsection headings - Heading 3
Used in GuideSynonym / Other
AttributeConcept Model Attribute; Relationship type
Authoring platformSCA tool
ChildSubtype, Immediate subtype
ClassifierDescription logic (DL) classifier; Logic reasoner
DescendantChild, Subtype, child/children
DomainConcept model domain
Electronic health applicationSoftware application; Clinical information systems
Electronic health record or EHRElectronic medical record; Electronic record; Electronic patient record
ExtensionSNOMED CT extension, Member/Affiliate-Added Terminology
Grouping concept/GrouperNA
International ReleaseCore
Material entityMaterial agent
Modeler/ModelingAuthor/Authoring, Editor/Editing
ParentSupertype, Immediate supertype
PrecoordinatedPrecoordinated expression
PostcoordinatedPostcoordinated expression
QualifierQualifying characteristic
RangeConcept model range, Allowable value
Role groupRelationship group
Root conceptTop-level concept
Semantic tagSemantic type, Hierarchy tag, Hierarchy designator
Situation with Explicit ContextContext-dependent Category
Sufficiently defined

Fully defined*

*Strikethrough = No longer used
