


The dose form administration method represents a general type of method of administration (e.g. apply, chew, spray, swallow) that a dose form is designed to be administered by (e.g. a chewable tablet is formulated to be administered by chewing). To support fully defining concepts in the 736542009 |Pharmaceutical dose form (dose form)| hierarchy, a hierarchy representing dose form administration method is required.

Concepts in the 736665006 |Dose form administration method (administration method)| hierarchy will be used to model concepts in the 736542009 |Pharmaceutical dose form (dose form)| hierarchy; they will not be used to model concepts in the 763158003 |Medicinal product (product)| hierarchy.

The 736665006 |Dose form administration method (administration method)| hierarchy is a descendant of 362981000 |Qualifier value (qualifier value)|.


Parent concept

736665006 |Dose form administration method (administration method)

Semantic tag

(administration method)

Definition status



Naming Guidelines


Use the following pattern for the FSN where X is the administration method and is in the form of an imperative:

X (administration method)

For example,

      • Administer (administration method)
      • Apply (administration method)
      • Instill (administration method)
      • Spray (administration method)
      • Swallow (administration method)

Preferred Term

Use the following pattern for the PT where X is the administration method:


For example,

      • Administer
      • Apply
      • Instill
      • Spray
      • Swallow


Synonyms are not allowed unless explicitly identified as an exception in the Editorial Guidelines.

Text Definitions

Preferred; not required.


The following illustrates the stated and inferred view for 738992009 |Chew (administration method)|:

  • No labels