Acids substance concepts should be modeled with a structural parent concept.
Salts should be modeled with a conjugate base as parent (if one exists, otherwise they are modeled with a structural parent). Salts may have an Is modification of (attribute) relationship to the conjugate acid where a specific use case is identified. See examples of such use cases in the Concepts Representing a Substance or its Modifications page of this Editorial Guide.
Conjugate base concepts ( e.g. valproate, pamidronate, etidronate) should only be created where a specific use case is identified, for example, when required to support the definition of other concepts in the terminology.
Conjugate bases should be created as separate concepts - not added as synonyms to the corresponding acid concept.
New instances of substance concepts containing the word "salt" will not be added. The existing concepts will be reviewed, and if possible, will be replaced by equivalent compounds.
Parent concept | Most distal appropriate descendant of 312413002 |Substance categorized structurally (substance)| |
Semantic tag | (substance) |
Definition status | Primitive |
Attribute: Is Modification of | Range <105590001 |Substance (substance)| Cardinality: 0..1 Used to identify the conjugate acid |
Attribute: Has disposition | Range: <726711005 |Disposition (disposition)|
Cardinality: 0..1 |
Where INN names exist, these should be used for the FSN and PT.
FSN | Pattern:
For example,
Preferred Term | Pattern:
Synonyms | Pattern: Pamidronate X For example,
Figure 1: Stated view of 387080000 |Valproic acid (substance)|
Figure 2: Stated and inferred view of 387481005 |Sodium valproate (substance)|
Figure 3: Hierarchy view of 264325000 |Valproate (substance)| subtypes
The following illustrates the stated and inferred views.