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To add an action, go to the appropriate part and page within this space, write the "at" @symbol to add the person's name, highlight the task, and click the "task list" symbol on the bar above or see here on this help page.

Task report

Looking good, no incomplete tasks.


DescriptionDue dateAssigneeTask appears on
02 Dec 2015Penni Hernandez2015-12-02 - Dentistry SIG Meeting
03 Feb 2016Mark Jurkovich2015-12-02 - Dentistry SIG Meeting
03 Mar 2016Penni Hernandez2016-02-03 - Dentistry SIG Meeting
Mark Jurkovich2015-12-02 - Dentistry SIG Meeting
Penni Hernandez2015-12-02 - Dentistry SIG Meeting
Mark Jurkovich2015-12-02 - Dentistry SIG Meeting
Mark Jurkovich2015-12-02 - Dentistry SIG Meeting