Develop an implementation guide to apply the HL7 CDA structured document standard to the interoperable coding and transmission of cancer synotpic reports

  File Modified
PDF File IHE_PAT_Suppl_APSR_Rev1-1_TI_2011_03_31.pdf 2018-Feb-20 by James R. Campbell
Microsoft Word Document SYNOPTIC REPORT CDA STRUCTURE LOINC.docx 2018-Feb-20 by James R. Campbell
PDF File Colon Case Rpt.pdf 2018-Apr-09 by James R. Campbell
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet CDA coded colon synoptic sample.xlsx 2018-Apr-09 by James R. Campbell
Microsoft Word Document SYNOPTIC REPORT Nebraska Colon CDA STRUCTURE LOINC.docx 2018-Apr-09 by James R. Campbell