Develop an implementation guide to apply the HL7 CDA structured document standard to the interoperable coding and transmission of cancer synotpic reports
File | Modified | |
PDF File IHE_PAT_Suppl_APSR_Rev1-1_TI_2011_03_31.pdf | 2018-Feb-20 by James R. Campbell | |
Microsoft Word Document SYNOPTIC REPORT CDA STRUCTURE LOINC.docx | 2018-Feb-20 by James R. Campbell | |
PDF File Colon Case Rpt.pdf | 2018-Apr-09 by James R. Campbell | |
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet CDA coded colon synoptic sample.xlsx | 2018-Apr-09 by James R. Campbell | |
Microsoft Word Document SYNOPTIC REPORT Nebraska Colon CDA STRUCTURE LOINC.docx | 2018-Apr-09 by James R. Campbell | |
James R. Campbell
Note to Dr Macary 20180115
Dr Macary
Following our meeting in Bratislava, I found your publication (copy enclosed) of a CDA implementation guide for structured Anatomic pathology reports. As you know from our discussions at the IHTSDO meeting, at Nebraska we have developed SNOMED CT coding for the anatomic and molecular pathology observables for several types of cancer. I would like to propose to you that we extend your implementation guide and include the code set inventory that we have built so that a fully coded and interoperable cancer synoptic report will become possible. I see that you reference SNOMED CT and LOINC coding in your document, but of course there was not agreement on the code sets at the time of your publication.
I look forward to your thoughts on this matter and ask if you would like to be involved in the work going forward.
James R Campbell MD
University of Nebraska Medical Center
James R. Campbell
Response received from IHE team indicated they did not want to add sections to Synoptic Report for MP. UNMC pathology consultants queried. Proposed outline of sections for CDA SYNOPTIC REPORT structure agreed at UNMC added to this discussion thread for review and agreement.
James R. Campbell
I have posted a colorectal cancer synoptic (anonymized) from Nebraska that we are using as our index case for development of a synoptic CDA. I have also posted the complete synoptic encoding using the Observables development we have done for Colorectal cancer. There has been two rounds of discussion with Drs Macary and Haroske and I also enclose last response from Dr Haroske regarding the xml document we have developed to date.