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PNG File sample_nerve_block_comment_uk_20141028.png Created by pmccormick on Tue Oct 28 13:26:19 Z 2014 last modified on Tue Oct 28 13:26:19 Z 2014 v1 Excerpt from MPS/AAGBI standardised anaesthetic record (20120308 4283 patient-anaes-record.pdf) showing nerve block section 2015-Oct-14 by Collabnet Migration
Microsoft Word Document CTP Project artf7623 Nerve Block AN comments_dk_comments.docx Created by anorton on Thu Oct 16 06:58:04 Z 2014 last modified on Tue May 26 17:13:48 Z 2015 v5 comments added by Andrew Norton, Responses from Daniel Karlsson 2015-Oct-14 by Collabnet Migration
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Nerve block of X (procedure).pptx Created by pmccormick on Tue Oct 28 12:43:34 Z 2014 last modified on Tue Oct 28 13:22:48 Z 2014 v1 “A consistent concept model is needed for nerve blocks. Nerve block (procedure) is primitive and its modeling captures the means (administration of a 2015-Oct-14 by Collabnet Migration
PNG File sample_nerve_block_comment_usa_20141028.png Created by pmccormick on Tue Oct 28 13:26:52 Z 2014 last modified on Tue Oct 28 13:26:52 Z 2014 v1 Sample nerve block comment from a Mount Sinai NYC anesthetic record in October 2014 2015-Oct-14 by Collabnet Migration
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