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Microsoft Word 97 Document Nursing SIG Sept 2011 meeting notes v0.1.doc Created by acasey on Mon Oct 10 21:51:43 Z 2011 last modified on Mon Oct 10 21:51:43 Z 2011 v1 Draft notes for rview 2015-Oct-19 by Collabnet Migration
Microsoft Word 97 Document NURSig Agenda 12 Sept 2011 v3.doc Created by acasey on Thu Oct 06 12:40:56 Z 2011 last modified on Tue Oct 11 19:31:52 Z 2011 v2 Addition of GTM details and updated dial in numbers 2015-Oct-19 by Collabnet Migration
Microsoft Word 97 Document NurSIG Action items September 2011.doc Created by acasey on Mon Oct 10 22:01:46 Z 2011 last modified on Mon Oct 10 22:01:46 Z 2011 v1 For review 2015-Oct-19 by Collabnet Migration
Microsoft Word Document NURSIG 6 Months Update October 2011.docx Created by acasey on Thu Oct 06 12:43:42 Z 2011 last modified on Thu Oct 06 12:43:42 Z 2011 v1 For noting 2015-Oct-19 by Collabnet Migration
Microsoft Word 97 Document Initial_Description_Rev NTs Project_09 Sept 2011.doc Created by acasey on Thu Oct 06 12:46:59 Z 2011 last modified on Thu Oct 06 12:46:59 Z 2011 v1 Project proposal for discussion 2015-Oct-19 by Collabnet Migration
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation IHTSDO presentation -report of ICNP mapping project October 2013.pptx Created by acasey on Thu Oct 06 12:44:35 Z 2011 last modified on Thu Oct 06 12:44:35 Z 2011 v1 Update report for information and discussion 2015-Oct-19 by Collabnet Migration

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