Everyone to send me an email if you would like to be involved in authoring in the community content project and I will provide the necessary access permissions. Please indicate if you would like to have a short tutorial on how to use the tool and we can try and set a call specifically on that for those interested.
Canada to send Rory the list of COVID-19 vaccines created
Rory to pull in the COVID-19 community content, the Canadian Edition COVID-19 vaccine published on March 31, to start the ball rolling!
Others who have relevant vaccine concepts to send the identifiers to me for them to be extracted from extensions and imported into the COVID Vaccines Community project
At the next meeting, we will review the different imported concepts and choose the 'candidates'
Where there are duplicates from extensions, either the group chooses which identifier to use, or an International identifier can be used?
For those duplicates, the necessary local map should be noted for documentation
Licensing and availability in the GPS. The inclusion in the GPS is challenging as the GPS contains only International Edition content and these vaccines concepts would not be part of that.
1 Comment
Alastair Kenworthy
Rory Davidson were any notes made of the meeting?