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How to find SNOMED CT concepts by searching for matches to an ECL query. Prerequisites: Search for concepts by ECL query

Finding concepts with concrete domain values

Existing concepts containing attributes with concrete domain values can be found by searching with an ECL query containing a concrete domain value refinement:

For instance, this ECL query returns all concepts that have an attribute with the concrete value 12.5:
* : * = #12.5

This query returns all concepts that have an attribute with a concrete value greater than zero: 

  • : * > #0


In the Task - Search - ECL Search context panel tab, enter an ECL expression which includes a concrete value reference into the Search Query box.

Press the blue Search   action button to the right of the Search Query box. The Search Results Panel shows a Searching... notification until the results are collated.


The Search Results Panel lists the concepts matching the ECL query.

Follow up actions can include: