Andrew Marchant Steven DainPatrick McCormick Martin Hurrell Maria Hendrickson Monica Harry Ian Green Jane Millar Jeremy Rogers Steven Dain Sander Mertens Ingrid MertensChristine Spisla Grant Forrest Charles Gutteridge Monica Harry Unknown User (chansebout) Victor Medina Cato Christian SpookCharles Gutteridge Karen Rees
Steven Dain Monica Harry Ian Green Karen Rees Cato Christian Spook Patrick McCormickAndrew Marchant
Anesthesia Clinical Reference Group
Time: Tuesday, January 28, 2025 20:00 - 21:00 UTC / 20:00 - 21:00 UK / 3:00 - 4:00 ET
Password: 894501
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Passcode: m+PA0c6y
Item | Description | Owner | Notes |
1 | Introductions and Apologies | ||
2 | Matters arising from the previous meeting notes | ||
3 | SNOMED Update | I have received the concepts as requests for addition to the international release. Please see the google sheet including references provided. I am asking for the use case and definitions. Would appreciate your opinion on the use case for any of these and if any are ambiguous either or grouper concepts. Here is the link: | |
4 | General Discussion | Discussion of ventilator terms noted the difficulty in updating the current classification. The driver for developing SNOMED terms really needs to be clinical. It may be advantageous to gather people together at the April Business Meeting in order to review SNOMED's needs with respect to development of classification in this area. | |
5 | Dates of next meeting | Next meeting Tuesday March 25, 2025 (date corrected, thanks Cato) |
Cato Christian Spook
The correct date for the next meeting is Tuesday March 25, 2025.
Steven Dain
Thanks Cato, I corrected the minutes