Andrew Marchant Steven DainPatrick McCormick Martin Hurrell Maria Hendrickson Monica Harry Ian Green Jane Millar Jeremy Rogers Steven Dain Sander Mertens Ingrid MertensChristine Spisla Grant Forrest Charles Gutteridge Krista Lilly Monica Harry Jane Millar Unknown User (chansebout) Victor Medina Cato Christian SpookCharles Gutteridge
Anesthesia Clinical Reference Group
Time: Tuesday, May 28, 2024 19:00 - 20:00 UTC / 20:00 - 21:00 UK / 15:00 - 16:00 ET
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Item | Description | Owner | Notes |
1 | Introductions and Apologies | ||
2 | Matters arising from the previous meeting notes | ||
3 | SNOMED Update | ||
4 | Discussion Forum - induction of GA terms |
Anesthetic agents
| |
4 | Term discussion | 405493003 | Inadequate equipment assessment (finding) I am unclear on how to use this term. Note that it is a child of 127325009 | Procedure related finding (finding) | The term "Inadequate equipment assessment" in my opinion is a procedure not a finding especially to be consistent with 226004006 | Medical equipment assessment (procedure) | which is a child of Evaluation Procedure (what is medical equipment?) should there be a synonym of this Procedure Equipment assessment? There is also 385874005 | Equipment safety assessment (procedure) | which is a child of 385869002 | Safety precautions assessment (procedure) | Does it mean that one did an Equipment Adequacy check and found that the equipment is inadequate? If so, we need a term "Adequate equipment assessment" (finding) I would suggest
Thoughts?" "The term "Inadequate equipment assessment" isn't very clear: "Medical Equipment" will be difficult to define. I co-chair our Medical Devices Committee and we are now looking at "devices" which were previously marketed as drugs (e.g. medicated ointments where the medication and preparation/ formulation are both relevant) as well as the physical/ software/ hybrid "devices" that we have been working with. I think some of these terms need to be clarified which might risk making them wordier and might challenge style guidelines. Without approriate usage of words such as "of", "for" and "that" it can be quite difficult to be fully clear about meaning. Another thought is that Assessments are usually made against some yardstick, often defined by the intended purpose (e.g. assessment of safe stair climbing ability with a view towards living independently in a specific place). Often this purpose is implicit, but perhaps it will sometimes need to be made explicit. Thus an anaesthetic machine which is assessed as electrically safe may be plugged in to the mains but that is only one step in seeing that it is ready for clinical use. Perhaps we should "assess equipment for clinical use (procedure)" and find it "adequate for clinical use (finding)" or "inadequate for clinical use (finding)"? " | |
5 | FHIR IG for Epidural Placement | Added comments to discussion | |
6 | Dates of next meeting | Next meeting Tuesday July 23, 2024 |