Anesthesia Clinical Reference Group

Time: Tuesday, March 28, 2023 19:00 - 20:00 UTC / 20:00 - 21:00 UK / 15:00 - 16:00 ET

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1Introductions and Apologies


Matters arising from the previous meeting notes

2023-01-24 Anesthesia CRG Meeting

None. Previous meeting notes were reviewed and accepted. 
3SNOMED Update

4SNOMED F2F Agenda

Overall purpose and direction of the group were reviewed. Monica Harry and Ian Green agreed that the direction needs to come from the CRG's. Groups such as Allergies/ Hypersensitivities are working on Implementation Guides, this might be of value for Anesthesia. See, for example, sample use cases for SNOMED in the Allergy pages - there might be a case for reviewing Anaesthesia information using a similar topic/ page structure. Ian Green noted that an implementation guide would probably be a useful step for Anesthesia. Implementation guides are recognised not to address the whole subject area, but have relevance even if only todefine what is understood and what is not.

Assessment scales are a problem for several other groups - principal problem is Copyright/ IP.

Grant mentioned that he and Martin Hurrell have been working on an Implementation Guide for Anesthesia in HL7. There are significant challenges in determining relevant structures and how they might be used. Not everything that needs to be described can practically be described. Ian Green commented that this would benefit from broad review (with ongoing review and revision) across clinical and non-clinical groups.

Data which is suitable for electronic processing. Andrew Marchant asked about markup and semantic labelling of categories. Grant Forrest noted that information is often structured in hierarchical ways but that the hierarchies don't always align easily. Heirarchies are structured differently, there are challenges to using a universal "one-size-fits all" structure (inflexibility and poor applicability to some domains) but also challenges to labelling/ structuring which is bespoke to the sub-domain (flexible and specifically relevant but requires processing to make sense). Ian Green judged that greater structure would be valuable.

There was general agreement that these areas would be a suitable basis for next week's meeting - further discussion to occur by email, perhaps with a conference call in the interim.


Dates of next meeting:

Tuesday April 4, 2023