Conference Call Details

Meeting time is 2019-07-30 20:00 UK; 15:00 US ET

Meeting ID: 213-418-661

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Discussion items

Introductions and apologies
Minutes of previous meeting

Review minutes from 2019-05-28 Anesthesia CRG Conference Call

ISO 19223 published this month!

Note from Steven Dain :

airway-pressure limit: airway-pressure threshold value for the initiation of an action to protect the patient during normal use

Matters arising from the minutes

Representation of IV fluids in international release.

Balanced electrolyte solutions - current difficulties with model for existing solutions such as Plasma-lyte. Potential difficulties for application of the model to new fluids , for example a fluid (Oxsealife) under investigation as a resuscitation fluid, but also as a microvascular nitric oxide generator and reactive oxygen species scavenger - contains 11 electrolytes and 29 trace elements - see

SNOMED updates

Review of extant requests

Some requests waiting on SNOMED device work. Users wish to connect device measurements to a specific model of device. However, missing precoordinated terms such as "pulse rate from radial artery."

Question for Monica Harry : has observable entity project been completed and is the attribute table finalised?

Observable entities specifying devicesAndrew NortonWe have previously considered terms such as pulse rate from ECG or oximeter that align to a degree with ISO/IEEE 11073, but this area has been on hold for a long time during the observables remodelling project - should solution be use of procedure device attribute?
Accidental dural punctureAndrew Norton

Discussion of new and inactivated terms & synonyms

Andrew to send CRS request for accidental dural puncture update

SNOMED CT terminology requests

Other business

Date of next meeting

Next meeting

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

File Size Creator Created Comment

Coding Briefing paper outline Vers1.docx


Patrick McCormick

2019-Jul-23, 19:05  

IV Fluids.xlsx


Patrick McCormick

2019-Jul-23, 19:05  

ventilation modes.xlsx


Patrick McCormick

2019-Jul-23, 19:05  

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