Export Mapping configuration

Will export all Advice Age Range, Principle, Project, Relation, Report Definition, and Users from a Mapping Server into JSON files.  The exported files can be used to initialize a new system.

Run the maven command from admin/loader directory.

mvn install -PExportAppConfigDataMojo \
	-Dconfig.file.root=ROOT_FOLDER \
	-Dadvice.config.file=Advice.config.json \
	-DageRange.config.file=AgeRange.config.json \
	-Dprinciple.config.file=Principle.config.json \
	-Dproject.config.file=Project.config.json \
	-Drelation.config.file=Relation.config.json \
	-Dreport.config.file=Report.config.json \

The project configuration file will show assigned names of advice, age range, principle, relation, report and users rather than the full details already contained in each of the other files.

      "name":"SNOMEDCT to MedDRA with REVIEW",
      "refSetName":"SNOMED to MedDRA Refset",



      "name":"MedDRA to SNOMEDCT with REVIEW",
      "refSetName":"MedDRA to SNOMEDCT Refset",

         "New concepts in release cycle",
         "Final QA Check SNOMED",
         "Gangrene Check"
         "CT5 - Incorrect SNOMED FSN assigned",
         "CT3 - non adherence to Mapping Principle",
         "CT2 - Incorrect MedDRA SOC",
         "CT1 - Incorrect SNOMED Hierarchy",
         "CT4 - Incorrect MedDRA LLT assigned"

Import Mapping configuration

When importing mapping project(s) from files the project config file is executed last for all other information to be created prior to creating a project so.  This allows users to be created first and then assigned to the project.  When loading users from the user config file if the username already exists, it is skipped.  The same if true for advice, age range, principle, project, relations and reports.  If the name already exists the configuration is not loaded.  Information will be written to the log when an item is skipped or loaded.  All file generated from the export include id and objectid except for project config file.  If reloading these into a new instance, the id and objectid are ignored.  The new database will assign its own ids.

Run the maven command from admin/loader directory.

mvn install -PExportAppConfigDataMojo \
	-Dconfig.file.root=ROOT_FOLDER \
	-Dadvice.config.file=Advice.config.json \
	-DageRange.config.file=AgeRange.config.json \
	-Dprinciple.config.file=Principle.config.json \
	-Dproject.config.file=Project.config.json \
	-Drelation.config.file=Relation.config.json \
	-Dreport.config.file=Report.config.json \