Service public fédéral - Santé publique, sécurité de la chaîne alimentaire et environnement - Belgique

Inforoute Santé du Canada

Agence eSanté Luxembourg

eHealth Suisse, Hôpitaux universitaires de Genève,  Haute école de gestion de Genève - Suisse

Agence du Numérique en Santé, société Phast, société Use&Share  - France

SNOMED International


The French Translation Collaboration Group of SNOMED International joins the efforts of several countries where the French language is in use, to build a common French translation of SNOMED CT usable everywhere in the francophone space of SNOMED International's membership. This common French translation has merged the former partial French translations, and continues to grow in volume and quality in the hands of this group. Furthermore, this group aims at facilitating the usage of SNOMED CT in francophone areas, for instance by translating to French e-learning courses and other documents supporting this usage.


NamespaceId granted to French translation group: 1000241

ModuleId for common French translation: 11000241103

Slack channel of the group:

Group mailing list:       (apply on


Group Membership

cochairs: François Macary (Use & Share), Linda Parisien (Inforoute Santé du Canada)

If you wish to become a member of the group, please email

Underlying resources

Current projects of NRCs contributing to Common French: Shared projects page

Translations space:  Translations Home

This page provides a central source of documentation and resources related to Translation activities.

Translation User Group:  Translation User Group Home

The Translation User Group provides advice on translation activities, more particularly defining the guidelines for the quality assurance of translation and the management of the translation process. The Translation User Group provides a forum to share translation experiences and learn from the SNOMED International community.