Under care of <professional> (finding) content is being considered for inactivation (with return the relevant extension where applicable) as it is seen as realm specific content. The meaning of the term used to represent the clinician or service may vary between countries. Prior to undertaking this step the CMAG is being asked if this demotion of content would cause an issue for members.
Please see the subtypes under the following concepts:
Date | Requested action | Requester(s) | Response required by: | Comments |
Requested 11th April 2018. | Please advise if the demotion of this content to the relevant extensions would cause an issue for your country. |
| Please post your final responses in the Country response table below. Discussion comments can be made as comments. |
Relevant documents
2018-04-11 - CMAG Meeting: Face to face in London, England
Table to be completed by each CMAG member for their country. Please note as per the TOR responsibilities consideration needs to be given to Member countries who are not represented on this group to ensure that their priorities are reflected in the group discussions. Where a second round of review occurs, this table may be duplicated.
Country | Date | Response |
Sweden | 2018-04-23 | Has nothing in the extension in this group. Also, no content in our maintained and under-development refests. |
Denmark | 2018-04-25 | Not in use in Denmark. |
UK | 2018-04-26 | Is there any further information on the decision around this please. I've looked at the tracker which states "Ed Panel decision: Pattern not accepted, considered to be realm specific especially with respect to social care." We have extension content in this space and there is a significant amount of core content that is not realm specific e.g. 305439002 | Under care of counselor (finding), 305485004 | Under care of geneticist (finding), 305613006 | Under care of physiotherapist (finding). Is this content also to be retired or just the realm specific? |
NZ | 2018-05-01 | No concerns raised in New Zealand |
AU | 2018-05-03 | I'm not aware of any sites using this content, but they could well be? Although the specific definition of the 'profession' could vary between countries - I think the terms are still valid. Using the UK example: 305439002 | Under care of counselor (finding) - counselor mean something slightly different in AU compared to other countries (registered/training etc). But I can see it being useful, and not sure how else we or other countries would name it? What is the problem with it remaining in core? (it seems a low value change). |
CA | 2018-05-04 | Not in use in Canada. |
NL | 2018-05-08 | We do have some content of this in our extension, for example Under care of heart transplantation team (finding). But these concept are more to be able to model 'guidance or support after a heart transplantation' in the finding hierarchy. So we are OK when you inactivate the content and we will find a solution for this |
UK | 14-05-2018 | Thank you for clarifying that all content in this space is proposed for inactivation. As mentioned in the CMAG meeting this could cause issues for us and I don't see the issue with it remaining in the core. I would like to take this to our UK SNOMED CT Edition committee on the 5th June for a complete response. |
Member countries without a CMAG rep |
The CMAG response(s) which are to be fed back to the relevant group or person e.g. Editorial Advisory Group.
Date | CMAG Response | Next steps |
The action taken by the IHTSDO, Advisory Group or other as relevant. This may be a written summary or link to the relevant Confluence page.