Are you attending the SNOMED International April Business Meeting? Do you want to know more about NHS Digital's concept for a UK National Clinical Terminology Service? If so, stay on at the Amba on April 12th-13th and take part in this National Clinical Terminology Service Connectathon Day. 

Objectives of the 2-day technical session include:

  • Introduce the NHS Digital Proof of Concept for a UK National Clinical Terminology Service (NCTS) and its use of the HL7 Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resource (FHIR®) specification.
  • Provide hands on coding and testing.
  • Gather input on potential use, development of the specifications and infrastructure of a potential NCTS. This includes feedback on the planned functionality as well as understanding the priority functionality that implementers may require.
  • Develop a community of interest to participate in future development and discussion of a NCTS service.

Contact Gwen Smith for additional information. 

*Please Note: This is an event organized by NHS Digital, and is not affiliated with the SNOMED International April Business Meeting.