
15 March 2016 1700 - 1800 UTC

DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME - US 1 hr later than Feb mtg

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  • @mention a person to add them as having sent apologies and they will be notified of any updates. 


  • Set goals, objectives or some context for this meeting.

Discussion items

1Welcome and introductionsZac Whitewood-Moores
  • Any new member should declare potential conflicts of interest once or before any relevant agenda item
  • Type your task here. Use "@" to assign a user and "//" to select a due date.
2ICNP update on diagnosis and intervention mapsAmy Coenen5 mins
3Care locations

Roberta Severin

Monica Harry

5 mins

Feedback from HPCG

  • Monica Harry to review and consider taking to April HPCG meeting
4Surveillance and Monitoring

Judith Warren

Unknown User (kjansen) (ICNP)

15 mins

15 mins - Please see Kay's paper 15 mins

5Report from ANI - Aliance for Nursing Informatics - Governing Directors meetingRoberta Severin

5 mins

Governing Directors meeting occurred February 28, 2016 in Las Vegas, NV at HIMSS16

  • Moved to May meeting
6Next MeetingZac Whitewood-Moores17 May 2016 1700 - 1800 UTC due to clash of April Business Meeting

Meeting Files


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