Information on the ICD11 mapping project.
cron jobs
# Run every day 45 0 * * 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 csh /home/ihtsdo/config/bin/dailyReports.csh > /home/ihtsdo/logs/dailyReports.log 2>&1 |
Software installed
Uploading files
Making a Release
Become the root user:
# this will require having sudo access, then enter your password sudo su |
Become the "mapping-service" user
su -s /bin/bash mapping-service |
Go to the admin directory for running a release
cd /opt/mapping-data/code/admin/release |
Make a release
time=20171201 mvn install -PRelease -D$rc -Doutput.dir=. -Dtime=$time -Dtest.mode.flag=true # the output will be a file like the following der2_iisssccRefset_ExtendedMapActiveSnapshot_INT_20171107.txt |
Important details
For a shell as this user
sudo su su -s /bin/bash mapping-service |
Details to configure:
Data files for this project are in /home/ihtsdo/data/ICD11
These steps were taken to set up the project
A cycle of redeploying maps involves running the algorithm to generate the "icd11Map.txt" and "icd11MapNotes.txt" files. Assuming everything described above is already configured, the task here is simply to replace the data. This is done with the "reload.csh" script in /home/ihtsdo/data/ICD11/reload.csh.
#!/bin/csh -f set rc = run.config=/opt/mapping-service/conf/ if ($#argv != 1) then echo "usage: $0 <refsetId>" echo " icd11RefsetId" echo " icd11RefsetId-b" exit 1 endif #set refsetId = icd11RefsetId-b set refsetId = $1 if ($refsetId != "icd11RefsetId" && $refsetId != "icd11RefsetId-b") then echo "ERROR: unexpected value for refsetId: $refsetId" exit 1 endif set adminDir = /opt/mapping-service-admin/admin echo "---------------------------------------------------" echo "Starting ...`/bin/date`" echo "---------------------------------------------------" echo "refsetId: $refsetId" echo "" curl "" | grep 'Bad Gateway' > /tmp/x.$$ if ($status == 0 && `cat /tmp/x.$$ | wc -l` == 0) then echo "STOP the server before running this (as root)" echo " supervisorctl stop mapping-service" exit 1 endif # Stop server #sudo supervisorctl stop mapping-service echo " Extract icd11Map.txt into LOW, MED, HIGH" grep 'FINAL CATEGORY LOW' icd11MapNotes.txt | cut -f 6 | sort -u -o low.txt grep 'FINAL CATEGORY MEDIUM' icd11MapNotes.txt | cut -f 6 | sort -u -o medium.txt grep 'FINAL CATEGORY HIGH' icd11MapNotes.txt | cut -f 6 | sort -u -o high.txt grep 'FINAL CATEGORY NO MAP' icd11MapNotes.txt | cut -f 6 | sort -u >> high.txt /bin/rm -f icd11Map.{low,medium,high}.txt perl -ne 'BEGIN {open(I,"low.txt"); while(<I>){chop; $m{$_}=1;} close(I);} @_=split/\t/; print if $m{$_[5]}; ' icd11Map.txt > icd11Map.low.txt perl -ne 'BEGIN {open(I,"medium.txt"); while(<I>){chop; $m{$_}=1;} close(I);} @_=split/\t/; print if $m{$_[5]}; ' icd11Map.txt > icd11Map.medium.txt perl -ne 'BEGIN {open(I,"high.txt"); while(<I>){chop; $m{$_}=1;} close(I);} @_=split/\t/; print if $m{$_[5]}; ' icd11Map.txt > icd11Map.high.txt /bin/rm -f icd11MapNotes.{low,medium,high}.txt perl -ne 'BEGIN {open(I,"low.txt"); while(<I>){chop; $m{$_}=1;} close(I);} @_=split/\t/; print if $m{$_[5]}; ' icd11MapNotes.txt > icd11MapNotes.low.txt perl -ne 'BEGIN {open(I,"medium.txt"); while(<I>){chop; $m{$_}=1;} close(I);} @_=split/\t/; print if $m{$_[5]}; ' icd11MapNotes.txt > icd11MapNotes.medium.txt perl -ne 'BEGIN {open(I,"high.txt"); while(<I>){chop; $m{$_}=1;} close(I);} @_=split/\t/; print if $m{$_[5]}; ' icd11MapNotes.txt > icd11MapNotes.high.txt echo " Replace notes for maps ...`/bin/date`" perl -ne 'BEGIN {open(I,"icd11MapNotes.txt"); while(<I>){@_=split/\t/; $m{$_[5]}=1;} close(I);} @_=split/\t/; print unless $m{$_[5]}; ' notes/icd11MapNotes.txt > fix /bin/mv -f fix notes/icd11MapNotes.txt cat icd11MapNotes.txt >> notes/icd11MapNotes.txt # map remover augmented to remove map records for concept ids in a specified input file echo " Removing old maps ...`/bin/date`" cd $adminDir/remover mvn install -PMapRecords -D$rc$refsetId -Dinput.file=/opt/mapping-data/ICD11/icd11Map.txt >&! /tmp/mvn.log if ($status != 0) then cat /tmp/mvn.log | sed 's/^/ /' echo "ERROR removing map records" exit 1 endif echo " Adding new maps and notes ...`/bin/date`" echo " add MEDIUM records as EDITING_DONE ...`/bin/date`" cd $adminDir/loader mvn install -PMapRecords -D$rc -Dinput.file=/opt/mapping-data/ICD11/icd11Map.medium.txt \ -Dmember.flag=false -Drecord.flag=true -Dworkflow.status=EDITING_DONE >&! /tmp/mvn.log if ($status != 0) then cat /tmp/mvn.log | sed 's/^/ /' echo "ERROR installing maps" exit 1 endif echo " add MEDIUM notes ...`/bin/date`" cd $adminDir/loader mvn install -PMapNotes -D$rc -Dinput.file=/opt/mapping-data/ICD11/icd11MapNotes.medium.txt >&! /tmp/mvn.log if ($status != 0) then cat /tmp/mvn.log | sed 's/^/ /' echo "ERROR installing map notes" exit 1 endif echo " add HIGH as PUBLISHED ...`/bin/date`" cd $adminDir/loader mvn install -PMapRecords -D$rc -Dinput.file=/opt/mapping-data/ICD11/icd11Map.high.txt \ -Dmember.flag=false -Drecord.flag=true >&! /tmp/mvn.log if ($status != 0) then cat /tmp/mvn.log | sed 's/^/ /' echo "ERROR installing maps" exit 1 endif echo " add HIGH notes ...`/bin/date`" cd $adminDir/loader mvn install -PMapNotes -D$rc -Dinput.file=/opt/mapping-data/ICD11/icd11MapNotes.high.txt >&! /tmp/mvn.log if ($status != 0) then cat /tmp/mvn.log | sed 's/^/ /' echo "ERROR installing map notes" exit 1 endif # before doing workflow stuff with HIGH, compute workflow echo " Compute workflow ...`/bin/date`" cd $adminDir/loader mvn install -PComputeWorkflow -D$rc$refsetId >&! /tmp/mvn.log if ($status != 0) then cat /tmp/mvn.log | sed 's/^/ /' echo "ERROR running compute workflow" exit 1 endif echo " convert HIGH to QA ...`/bin/date`" cd $adminDir/loader mvn install -PAdHoc -D$rc$refsetId -Dmode=icd11 -Dinput.file=/opt/mapping-data/ICD11/icd11Map.high.txt >&! /tmp/mvn.log if ($status != 0) then cat /tmp/mvn.log | sed 's/^/ /' echo "ERROR running adhoc step" exit 1 endif # compute workflow again when finished assigning to QA echo " Compute workflow ...`/bin/date`" cd $adminDir/loader mvn install -PComputeWorkflow -D$rc$refsetId >&! /tmp/mvn.log if ($status != 0) then cat /tmp/mvn.log | sed 's/^/ /' echo "ERROR running compute workflow" exit 1 endif # Start server - #sudo supervisorctl start mapping-service echo "---------------------------------------------------" echo "Finished ...`/bin/date`" echo "---------------------------------------------------" echo "" echo "REMEMBER to restart the server = supervisorctl start mapping-service" |