SNOMED Int'l Editorial Advisory group
SNOMED International - Editorial advisory group conference call
Thu, Mar 30, 2017 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM PDT
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Item | Description | Owner | Notes | Action |
1 | Call to order and role call | JCA |
2 | Conflicts of interest | JCA | None. | |
3 | Approval of minutes from 02/17/2017 | JCA | EAG Agenda and Minutes 2/17/2017 The history of allergy modeling was very helpful. Encourage everyone to read for a final discussion in London, especially around the impacts of substance changes to the allergy model. GRE - RG0 discussion will need additional attention in London. Recommend a review and revision of the original presentation for the London meeting. |
4 | Drug Model deliverable review | TMO | Need resolution of roles in products. Depends on what extensions are allowed to model. Agenda topic for London. Not in scope for July release - concept model for dose forms and how to reconcile different models for dose forms. Feedback needed. How are routes of administration used in national extensions? Minimal additions to national drug model needed. |
5 | Substance redesign document review | JCA/TMO | Substance disposition proposal (see attached document) |
6 | Addition of "X disorder at Y level" | JCA | ICD-11 beta includes a large number of mostly injury concepts that specify the particular "level" or "segment" that an anatomical structure is affected. There is historical precedence for adding this type of content as some was orginally derived from ICD-9 and has been in SNOMED since before 2002.
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7 | ECE Update | BGO | Update on ongoing issues with ECE | |
8 | Extension of range of "Specimen substance" | JCA | Followup: Upon the review of the use cases for the need for "Physical objects" to be values for "Specimen substance". The existence of "Device specimen" implies that physical objects in almost all cases provide the source for specimens that are actually analyzed. These would be specimens such as "swabs", "washings", "wipes". The physical objects themselves are usually not regarded as the matrix for analysis. It is recommended that this proposal (Extend "Specimen substance" range) be modified to request the extension of "SPECIMEN SOURCE IDENTITY" up one level from "Device" to "Physical object". |
9 | Proposed policy on acceptance of "Patient-friendly terms" into the International release | JCA | There have been multiple requests from members to consider the addition of "Patient-friendly vocabulary". A draft position document discussing the pros and cons and a proposed policy for inclusion of such terms in the International release is provided for discussion and input. |
10 | Proposed policy: Allowance of Extensions to Modify Core Content | JCA | A discussion document submitted to the Content Managers Advisory Group requested clarification on what national extensions were allowed to do re: modification of core content. The following draft document addresses the primary issues and proposes a more set of policy statements related to what is allowable and not allowable by extensions, which affect core content. SNOMED International response to "Discussion paper - Allowance of Extensions to Modify Core Content" | |
11 | Agenda items for London meeting | Group | ||