Item | Description | Owner | Notes | Action | |
1 | Welcome & apologies | Daniel Karlsson | | - Check GotoMeeting number before next session
| |
2 | Conflicts of interest | Daniel Karlsson | None were stated | | |
3 | Previous minutes & action items | Daniel Karlsson | | | |
4 | LOINC - SNOMED CT cooperation | Suzanne Santamaria Farzaneh Ashrafi Daniel Karlsson Xavier GANSEL | - '+' and '&'
- Presentation attached
- A number of alternatives were presented
- The understanding of the issue is mature enough to forward it to the Editorial Advisory Group
- Report from Biomerieux
| - Discussion on report from Biomerieux continues after review by Farzaneh and Suzanne
- Daniel Karlsson Send disjunction component issue to Editorial Advisory Group/Jim Case
| |
5 | Observables model in the international realease | Daniel Karlsson | - Recommendations for a strategy for Observables implementation in the international release
| | |
6 | Protein as a proxy for sequence variation | Daniel Karlsson Scott Campbell James R. Campbell | |
| |
7 | Wellington meeting | Daniel Karlsson | - 1 full day requested
- 1 full day joint with IPaLM
- We should aim for three sessions!
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8 | Next meeting | Daniel Karlsson | |
| |
9 | AOB | Daniel Karlsson | | | |