1330-1700 KST
2130 - 0100 PDT
Item | Description | Owner | Notes | Action |
1 | Call to order and role call | This meeting is being recorded to ensure that important discussion points are not missed in the minutes. The recording will be available to the SNOMED International community. Joining the meeting by accepting the Zoom prompt declares that you have no objection to your comments being recorded | ||
2 | Conflicts of interest and agenda review | None recorded | ||
3 | New member and appreciation for service | The EAG welcomes Dr. Jeremy Rogers back to the EAG after a hiatus and expresses their gratitude to Dr. Jeff Pierson for his service on the EAG for the last 6 years. | ||
4 | Update on progress from EAG discussions | Status of EAG discussed topics since April 2024: Completed, In progress
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5 | Transplantation update | At the September EAG call, it was suggested by the group that normal body structures be used instead of the transplanted body structures and that the direct substance relationship be removed unless it was necessary to sufficiently define the concept. These changes have been made and are currently ready for review by the EAG in the TS browser (project QININ and tasks QININ-270, QININ-271). It was also noticed that the top level concept 77465005 |Transplantation (procedure)| had lost a substantial number of subtypes following the remodeling efforts. The EAG asked for more details on this loss of subtypes. A worksheet detailing these changes for 89 affected concepts is attached. (Please download before trying to review the content) Discussion: Decision: | ||
6 | Container modeling | At the November 2023 EAG call, a proposal to update the Physical object MRCM to allow for the modeling of containers was presented. The EAG requested additional information as well as examples of the proposed modeling. Feikje Hielkema-Raadsveld and Daniel Karlsson were provided with access to the SNOMED authoring platform to test their proposed model. Questions that arose from this testing include:
Discussion: Comment from Matt Cordell Container modelling – “intended content should be specimen”, substance seems more accurate. If becomes a “specimen” in the container. General comments: Discussion on the use of substance vs. specimen. The purpose of the model is to create models for pre-manufactured specimen specific containers. The reason for the project is to address the need from some members to create a hierarchy of specimen containers to support European data projects and to allow for subsumption testing. An issue that it would resolve is to allow specification of a container based on its characteristics in a FHIR model. There are currently about 100 concepts that would be affected by this model. This would allow for a cleanup of the container hierarchy as well. Many of the concepts will require renaming or replacement. What is the difference between a collection tube and a transfer tube? May need to go back to GMDN to get definitions. Their definitions may not be consistent with SNOMED. Need more information on clot activators. How to represent. Evacuated or non-evacuated containers. Jim Case stated this is an intrinsic characteristic of the container and should be represented. Concern expressed about the complexity of the model and its relationship to other attributes that are already defined for devices. Specific editorial guidance will be necessary to allow for proper and consistent use of a physical object concept model that needs to represent such a wide variety of objects. 2024-10-21 From Feikje Hielkema-Raadsveld
Decision: Further discussion will be held at the October face-to-face meeting in Korea. | ||
7 | Age-related events modeling | Current and prior editorial policy for modeling of Events (<<272379006 |Event (event)|) stated that while the allowed attributes for events closely aligned with the Clinical finding concept model, editorial policy for using these attributes to model events were still under development. However, one restriction has been applied and that is: "The Event hierarchy should not precoordinate periods of life/occurrence within the event concept." It has been brought to our attention that there are a number of event concepts that do reference periods of life in which the event occurred. Examples:
A few of these have been modeled using the OCCURRENCE attribute in spite of the editorial guidance. A member request has asked that we look at this policy as modeling of other concepts is being affected due to this restriction on modeling of events. Q: As the OCCURRENCE attribute is currently an allowed attribute for EVENTS, should there be any restrictions on the use of these attributes. If they should not be used, should the MRCM be modified to remove them from the allowed attributes set? Discussion: Comment from Matt Cordell
Do we have a policy for the use of events or finding in definition of situations? Decision: Agree that the removal of the restriction on the use of OCCURRENCE for events. This should be applied to the entire event hierarchy WRT the application of OCCURRENCE. A review of abuse modeling will be undertaken. | ||
8 | Bypass graft revision proposal | As requested from the EAG, a list of definitions has been developed that will guide content authors in the correct modeling of concepts related to bypass, bypass graft, shunt, etc.: The relevant Briefing note is attached above. Proposal for definition of concepts under 48537004 |Bypass graft (procedure)|.
Discussion: James R. Campbell - Definition of ANASTOMOSIS: While the proposed definition is technically sound, I think it is not clinically correct. I know of no surgical anastomoses that are constructed between fibers. The structures involved are always tubular or channels, both with a lumen. The purpose of the anastomosis is to connect the lumens for flow of gas or fluids between the two structures. There were a few comments around the definitions. What is meant by "cross-connection"? Definitions will be revised based on these comments (to be included). Replace "cross-connection" with "connection". Shunts and bypass will be subtypes of anastomosis. Why is an interposition graft considered a repair instead of a construction? What is the difference between construction and repair? Will be discussed in the next agenda item. Will revise this definition based on the decisions from that item. How does proximal and distal anastomosis apply to non-tubular structures? Can we just use the term "repair" for these concepts? Jeff Pierson - I would suggest that tendon is not relevant to anastomosis. It would be either a repair, transfer, or a graft. we will need to determine whether this applies to nerves well. There needs to be more editorial guidance with examples to correctly apply these definitions. Can we determine whether it is beneficial to use anastomosis for all of these and adding a repair RG where needed. The clinical usage of the term anastomosis complicates the interpretation of its use in some domains, such as neurosurgery. For non-tubular structures, may want to keep the term "anastomosis" in the description, but not use the term in the METHOD, and focus on the repair aspect. This will require very specific editorial guidance for how to name and model this type of term. Decision: 2024-03-11 Comments will be added to the document by the EAG members. 2024-04-16: Proposed definitions will be revised based on input and resubmitted to the EAG for review. 2024-08-19: Postponed 2024-09-23: Postponed to later meeting 2024-10-21: Definitions will be updated based on comments. Agree that we can use proximal and distal anastomosis actions for anastomosis concepts. |
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9 | Revision of Construction - action and | Victor Medina | 410614008 |Construction (procedure)| is currently a subtype of 4365001 |Surgical repair (procedure)|. It is recognized that not all construction procedures involve a repair (although reconstruction procedures do). A briefing note (attached) outlines the proposal to rectify this issue. Discussion: Decision: | |
10 | Review of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty changes | Monica Harry | Changes have been made to the hierarchy and is ready for review by the EAG on the SNOMED CT Terminology server. The SNOMED tech team will provide access to the project for review. Comments must be sent to Monica Harry (mha@snomed.org) prior to October 31, 2024 for consideration. Discussion: Recognized that many of these procedures may be performed by methods other than fluoroscopy Decision: Request to make a working definition of what is meant by Angioplasty that can be applied to existing and future concepts. Monica Harry will follow up with a revised BN. An online vote will be taken from the EAG to avoid delaying moving forward with this project over the holidays. | |
11 | AOB | EAG | Guillermo Reynoso What is the plan for modeling measurement procedures? Suggested that SI create a new model for measurement procedures. A new project group? Project proposal? What is the priority? Need to align with Observables. Recommended to inactivate the existing attributes and build a new model. There is agreement that there is a need for two hierarchies for multiple member countries, but an approach to make the measurement procedure fit for purpose has not been determined. Also needed is a review of the international and extension drug models. | |
12 | Next meeting | TBD |