Item | Description | Owner | Notes | Action |
1 | Glaucoma Diagnoses Update | Ian Rodrigues/Anthony Khawaja | - Notes for this agenda item
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2 | Glaucoma Exam/Findings Update | Sally Baxter | Review final proposal document for gonioscopic grading framework - make any remaining adjustments Plan for approval processes with AGS and EGS | Josh Stein sending proposal to AGS Anthony will present to EGS but as part of other items as well (preferred terms, severity staging, etc.) - Elaine will ask Jane Millar for template of how changes are presented to societies (e.g. dental, epilepsy)
| Request to update anatomical regions related to the eye in SNOMED | Sally Baxter | Request from OMOP workgroup lead Kerry Goetz to evaluate need to update anatomical regions related to the eye in SNOMED - see link below Eye - SNOMED CT Editorial Guide - SNOMED Confluence ( The editorial guide is not a comprehensive list of anatomic regions | Examine SNOMED International browser to check eye structure concepts (1500 concepts) - Sally and Shahin
Sally will share OMOP medical imaging workgroup info |
| Looking at glaucoma procedures (and potentially medications?) |
| Ian has already started looking at procedures - Not sure if brand name devices/implants can be named?
- Cardiac stent example: code the generic procedure, then devices named in individual country extensions
- Brand name procedure more useful in glaucoma
Medications - unclear what the overlap is with RxNorm - may not need to replicate
- branded products coded separately by country (generic medications coded in SNOMED international)
- Just an example of a generic product in SNOMED: 408614000 |Product containing precisely latanoprost 50 microgram/1 milliliter and timolol (as timolol maleate) 5 milligram/1 milliliter conventional release eye drops (clinical drug)|
- May not necessarily be needed? (current coding may be comprehensive enough)
- Field for number of glaucoma medications? vs. derived data element? – issue of updating med list, also issue of whether pt is actually taking the medication (medication adherence coding?)
| Procedures - UK group - Elaine will look into feasibility of coding specific device names
- Generic descriptions in GMDN (Global Medical Device Nomenclature):
- check for existing coverage here
- May be worth checking other coding systems (often country-specific)
- Implementation consideration - could have code on the back-end and then different display name on the front-end
- can have a crosswalk between trade name, generic description, and code
Ian will generate initial draft and distribute for review Medications - Eric will examine coverage of glaucoma medications / medication classes - question of whether compounded medications would be represented
- initial analysis of UK and US
- Is laterality represented? (may be in route)