
A glossary of phrases used in this documentation and what they mean.



APIA collection of conceptual services for performing tasks with domain model objects.
Correlation IdIn the RF2 "complex map refset" pattern, the correlation id indicates the relationship between the referenced component and the map target. This is project specific and internally is rendered as the "map relation" for the specified "map entry" corresponding to this refset member.
Data Point ReportA report representing a collection of report results gathered from the system at a moment in time.
Diff ReportA comparison between two data point reports over a time period (e.g. a WEEK).
Domain ModelConceptual objects (with implementations) that represent the information meta-model used by this service. In this case it is based on RF2 and includes things like Concepts, Descriptions, and Relationships.
Drip FeedA weekly process that runs via a cron job to process the latest daily build delta from the authoring environment. This is how new content enters the system for mapping.
Internal Service APIA collection of java-based services that must be accessed from within an actual Java application.
Map AdminA map user who has access to administrator functions for a map project.
Map AdviceA project-specific piece of information associated with a map entry.
Map Category IdIn the RF2 "extended map refset" pattern, the map category id indicates the relationship between the referenced component and the map target. This is project specific and internally is rendered as the "map relation" for the specified "map entry" corresponding to this refset member. NOTE: for projects in this style, the correlation id is always fixed.
Map EntryRepresents the target code of a map and is contained within a map record and has zero or more map advices or map principles. 
Map LeadA map user who has access to lead functions for a map project. 
Map PrincipleAn indicator from the map principles handbook used to collect statistics about when and how often certain important conditions apply. This is very project-specific information. 
Map ProjectA mapping effort between a version of a source terminology and a version of a target terminology. For example, mapping between SNOMED and ICD10. A variety of metadata and functional pieces contribute to the overall behavior of a map project within the tool
Map RecordA complete map of a concept within a map project. Depending upon the features of the map project, a record may have one or more entries which may themselves be grouped.
Map RelationAn object representing the relationship between the source and destination terminology ids. This is project specific.
Map SpecialistA map user who has access to specialist functions for a map project. 
Map UserAn authenticated user of the application. There are a few special meta users, including "qa", "loader", and "guest". These users cannot "log in" and do not have accounts in the underlying security system. The mapping application tracks its own users and associates them with particular roles on various projects.  A map user implicitly has guest privileges on projects that are not private.
QA CheckA special type of report that can be used to feed into the QA Workflow.
ReportA collection of report results that represent a snapshot of a report definition at a point in time.
Report DefinitionA query with some additional metadata that is executed to create a report based on concepts, map records, or other elements of the application.
Report ItemAn identifier and a label representing something that was the result of the execution of a report definition.
Report ResultA value and a count associated with a report. The report items resulting in that count are available from a report result.
REST Service APIsA REST implementation of functionality based on the internal service APIs. In a sense, you can consider the REST services to be the primary application of the internal service APIs (with the admin tools being the other).
Tracking RecordAn object that summarizes the workflow state for a concept within a map project. It links to all of the map records in that project for that concept. Tracking records are recomputed from scratch when the "compute workflow" admin tool is run.
Workflow PathA path through a collection of worfklow states representing how map records are moved, compared, and reconciled. Different paths have different use cases and different diagrams.
Workflow StatusA value representing where a record is within a particular workflow path transition diagram.

