Social Care content development group

Date 2000 UTC,15 December 2023

Meeting date 


  • @mention a person to add them as being an attendee at the meeting and they will be notified of any updates. 


  • @mention a person to add them as having sent apologies and they will be notified of any updates. 

Discussion items


Review of Mental Health use cases

Specific questions are:
1. Are these five use cases, in particular the description of the subject of care situation, realistic to what you encounter in your country / project?
2. Is the remainder of the use case, such as goal, scenario, etc. also realistic? Do we miss particular steps or descriptions? 
3. Do you miss categories for each of the use cases? 
4. Are there additional concepts that you would like to see for each category? 
5. Are there any recommendations you have for SNOMED International? 

WilliamEmail from William Tuesday 13 December with draft document
3.Use cases for Alcohol and Substance misuse use casesJane/WilliamOutline of one example and plans for review
4. Next steps

5. Next call - 19 January. 2000 UTC

Meeting Files

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