We are seeking input on some patient positioning requests to determine the international understanding of the meaning and terming. When commenting, if the position is known by other names, please include that in your response.

1. Positioning subject in step position (procedure) with the explanation that the body is positioned in the supine position and with a special cube bending knees at right angles. This image has been provided: https://www.thieme.de/statics/dokumente/thieme/final/de/dokumente/tw_pflegepaedagogik/abb-60-30-stufenbettlagerung.jpg

2. Positioning subject in a turn-and-stretch position (procedure) with a synonym Rotational stretching positioning. The information on the positioning provided can be seen: https://www.pschyrembel.de/Drehdehnlage/T01BA

3. Positioning of subject in throne position (procedure). The information provided notes this is for subjects of care with impaired body perception, increased body tension and post examination or operation.

Thank you for your help.

Cathy Richardson