Anesthesia Clinical Reference Group

Time: May 24, 2022 19:00 - 20:30 UTC / 20:00 - 21:30 UK / 15:00 - 16:30 ET

Meeting ID: 894 0292 9453

Password: 671222

Or Telephone:

+1 646 518 9805 (US Toll)
+44 203 481 5237 (GB Toll)
+1 587 328 1099 (CA Toll)

International numbers available:


1Introductions and Apologies


Matters arising from the previous meeting notes

2022-04-04 Anesthesia CRG at SNOMED Business Meeting (Pt 2 & 3)

3SNOMED updates

4Andrew Norton memorial

The group discussed the recent death of Andrew Norton and noted his enormous contribution to the group. His enthusiasm and openness have been of great value and the group will miss him.

The group noted that Andrew's funeral will be on 9th June, and there is an option to join remotely for those wjho cannot attend in person. Martin Hurrell will say a few words at the funeral and will note his fundamental role in the group's work.

Difficult airway termset

Grant Forrest  has someone working on difficult airway research, we discussed the prior work on a difficult airway termset:

Work by the Difficult Airway Society to develop a difficult airway registry was discused.

SNOMED Concepts Associated with Difficult Airways (mostly Pediatric)


FHIR normative development for anesthesia waiting on approval by their Technical Steering Committee. Once approved, there will be a lot of implementation work.

Plan is to continue tracking FHIR and address SNOMED gaps as they are found

SNOMED on FHIR - group meets Tuesday weekly. Jane Millar to speak with Peter, who leads that group, and introduce Grant to him.

Assessment scalesNeed to tie this up - scales have been identified, some requests need to be filed

Local anesthesiaWill review past work on local anesthesia to see if we can do some requests

Ventilation terms

Jane Millar notes that we are looking to see whether licensing allows us to use ISO terms. Monica Harry and Steven Dain will hopefully be able to help us make progress here.

Liaison with professional bodies
The group will review what we have in old emails and make a plan to make progress in this area where it is appropriate to do so.

Dates of next meeting:

Tuesday July 26th 2022

Jane Millar and Ian Green have offered Patrick McCormick and Andrew Marchant an interim meeting to discuss any issues that arise so that the group can progress constructively.