2022-01-24 20.00 UTC
Password: 5095908349
Discuss and make progress on these issues:
See below.
Item | Description | Owner | Notes | Action | |||
1 | Welcome & apologies | Remember recording! | |||||
2 | Conflicts of interest | Non stated! | |||||
3 | Minutes from previous meeting | Daniel Karlsson | |||||
4 | Process observables | In the Editorial Guide there is a note/warning that "Some areas of the observable entity hierarchy need clarification and remodeling." See Observable Entity This work is now scheduled in the area of processes/process observables. 2021-12-20: 415178003 |Process (observable entity)| is a joint superconcept with 246464006 |Function (observable entity)| for some concepts. Further, there is some possible duplication between 415178003 |Process (observable entity)| concepts such as 129003000 |Dressing (observable entity)| and 284967006 |Ability to perform dressing activity (observable entity)|. | |||||
5 | SDH observables | Slides: | |||||
6 | Aggregation and time aspect | Daniel Karlsson | Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1TFU-rqnzNd6x0gizjO_h3CVfaXgQ6uEdlV_zeWoSA3I/edit?usp=sharing 314459004 | Maximum 24 hour diastolic blood pressure (observable entity) | was used as an example and there were concerns about the usefulness of this and similar concepts. Also a discussion of what constituted an "aggregation". The current model of representing "aggregated" observables (average, min, max, highest, lowest, etc. etc.) using a time aspect distinct from | Single point in time | was considered appropriate with the implication that observables which could conceivably be aggregated would need this attribute specified. 2021-12-20: Updated slides (above) with a (clearer) definition of "aggregation" and some concept statistics from SNOMED CT and LOINC. Note that the current slides does not include parameters (e.g. max device setting). There is a need for guidance when (and when not) aggregate Observables and non-aggregate Observables should subsume. | ||||
7 | E2O | A number of topics have been identified in the E2O project for discussion in the Observables PG (see presentation here):
2021-10-18: For discussion:
2021-12-20: Report from E2O call 2021-12-15. Plan for proceeding with project and potential transition is being created. | |||||
8 | Scale Observables | X |
2021-04-19: Assessment scale hierarchy requirements https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1b_vmIY7IFjfYuaXd6H-c5GxijEyaFj75wbvreZ4_fkA/edit?usp=sharing Andrew Norton provided background to the use cases provided by the Anesthesia CRG. A requirement to represent the scale points of the assessment scales when they correspond to findings, but question is who is responsible for the association between clinical findings in general and scale points. There are two use cases which are slightly different: (1) the requirement to be able to use SNOMED CT to encode contents of the EHR and then use that to "populate" assessment scale components, and (2) the requirement to be able to store and communicate results of application of the assessment scales per se using SNOMED CT concepts. Moving from (1) (i.e. a SNOMED CT encoded EHR) to (2) (SNOMED CT encoded assessment scale representation) is non-trivial. There is a discrepancy between the recording of clinical findings (more granular) and the recording of values for assessment instruments (discrete buckets). The challenge is matching the clinical findings to the appropriate value in the assessment. This is not (necessarily) something that is handled within SNOMED. However, assessment scales are also sometimes used as the primary documentation. 2021-05-17: Some example existing scale observables were discussed in relation to the subsumption expected from any work done to define scale observables. E.g. the Apgar component observables are not subsumed by any observables related to heart rate, respiration, skin color etc. To contrast, pain score observables are subsumed by other pain observables. The group agreed that being able to group scale observables by what the scales assess is a desireable feature of any solution. 2021-06-21: James R. Campbell made a presentation at the Anesthesia CRG call about representing assessment scale observables. A key missing piece is the representation of scale points (ordinals) beyond their scale value (e.g. 1, 2, 3, ... for GCS) to include the actual clinical meaning. For GCS, neurologists' input will be sought. Experimentation with the CRG include more complex scales will help produce a decision paper for the EAG. 2021-08-02: Scale observables could, when they correspond to e.g. physiological or otherwise established observations, be represented as <base observable> : | Technique | = <the assessment scale>, | Scale type | = | Ordinal|. See example in slides. IP issues might prohibit the representation of some assessment scale components: Proprietary Names and Works 2021-08-16: There's been a meeting of the Clinical Reference Group leads about assessment scales and SNOMED CT. A more general discussion about the requirements for assessment scale content is planned for a new meeting September 8. Andrew Norton will present the work done in the Anesthesia CRG with Observables and Findings. Will discuss this presentation with James R. Campbell and Daniel Karlsson. The preferred representation of scale values/points/ordinals was discussed. Currently some concepts for scale values for some assessment scales, or parts thereof, exist in SNOMED CT, e.g. <<386557006 | Glasgow coma scale finding (finding) | but only for the total score, not its components. 2021-11-15: Waiting for input from CRGs. From Anesthesia: "...we would like to see the observables team produce a full set of terms using observable entities for one or two of the scales we have discussed such as GCS and SOFA so we could review suitability for clinical use." 2022-01-24: Assessment scales for sleep apnea screening: STOP-BANG and Epworth Sleepiness screen. The STOP-BANG score https://www.mdcalc.com/stop-bang-score-obstructive-sleep-apnea assesses the risk of Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Going back to previous discussions about representations of likelihood, risk and probability, it is proposed to represent these (and similar risk scores) using the following pattern/example:
Additional scores exist in SNOMED CT, 41 <<273249006 |Assessment scales| has the word "risk" in a description. 80943009 |Risk factor (observable entity)| (which is a misnomer) has 28 descendants. | James R. Campbell to model risk score concepts/sleep scale observables. | |||
9 | London meeting | Potentially a face-to-face meeting in London April 2-7 2022 https://www.snomed.org/news-and-events/events/business-meeting
| |||||
10 | Gender observables | Nex discussion page set up: | |||||
11 | Next meeting | Next meeting is Feb 21 2022 20.00 UTC. Agenda:
| Daniel Karlssonto set up Gender observables page |
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Topic: Observables meeting
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