1730- 1900 UTC
1030-1200 PDT
Hi there,
Jim Case is inviting you to a scheduled SNOMED International Zoom meeting.
Topic: SNOMED Editorial Advisory Group Conference Call
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime
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Item | Description | Owner | Notes | Action |
1 | Call to order and role call | Start recording! | ||
2 | Conflicts of interest and agenda review | No conflicts noted | ||
3 | Briefing note regarding conditions caused by substance or product | EAG - Product role - Briefing note March 2021.pdf EAG agreed that the move of product roles out of the substance hierarchy was appropriate, but that the impact of the move on the expectation of users for the hierarchical relationship between drug classes and individual substances needs to be mitigated. SNOMED will begin internal disucssions on next steps related to the roll out of the inactivation of product roles from the substance hierarchy. |
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4 | Concept inactivation workgroup status report | Paul Amos | Inactivation proposed amendments v0.5 Summary of proposed changes and discussion of a couple of inactivation reason implementations. Link to Confluence page for feedback on Ambiguous Concept inactivation options: Concept Inactivation Proposed Amendments There are also a set of examples on the confluence page: Inactivation Scenarios 20210306.pdf Discussion: Still some uncertainty about the ability to consistenly use the "Ambiguous" inactivation reason and whether a more complicated process is worth the effort. The proposed "DONATED TO" historical relationship was deemed of little use by many members of the EAG. It was determined that an annotation used in conjunction with the MOVED_TO inactivation reason would suffice. The CIWG will present an updated proposal at the April Business meeting of the EAG | |
5 | Glascow coma score and assessment scale components | Based on a discussion at the Anesthesia CRG and Observables Project there is a requirement to add more content for Glasgow Coma Scale Please see full discussion here: https://confluence.ihtsdotools.org/display/ACRGT/Glasgow+Coma+Score Presentation included with this agenda item suggesting common observables definitions. References to Standarization of the GCS: https://zibs.nl/wiki/GlasgowComaScale-v3.2(2020EN) https://ckm.openehr.org/ckm/archetypes/1013.1.137/printable https://www.glasgowcomascale.org/ Draft document from Anesthesia CRG: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lZJlarREeIIRPk5E1zVtZUktLQlPH3G5/view?usp=sharing Discussions within Observables Project Group and and review of assessment scores deployed at Nebraska have proceeded with extended proposal for inclusion of assessment scales in use in Sweden as well as US. Modelling proposal added to Attachment s summarizing Assessment Scale Score Observables development: Clinical Scale Scores_20210224.pptx. Proposal promotes expanding content model for full definition of scales such as co-morbidity, Glasgow Coma Scale and SOFA scores. Anesthesia CRG wishes to explore further the best model for including definitions/explanations of Ordinal Scale score Value sets used in calculated scores. Discussion: Rescheduled for the April business meeting |
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6 | ECE Topics | Bruce Goldberg |
Discussion: Bruce Goldberg proposed more time to work out his proposal. Continued to the April business meeting Decision: | |
7 | Evaluation to Observables (E2O project) update | Daniel Karlsson@James Campbell |
Rescheduled for the April Business meeting | |
9 | Next meeting | EAG | Business meeting - April 20, 2021: 0900-1200 PDT | |