SNOMED International has identified a requirement to review and update the content in SNOMED CT covering biological sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and related anatomy. This requirement has been reinforced both by Members, and as a result of work being undertaken within HL7 International.


The project group will gather SMEs to provide advice on the current clinical and administrative needs for sex and gender terminology standards.  Because sex and gender is multifaceted, to ensure we capture the electronic record keeping requirements, a broad group of experts will need to be consulted.


(To be confirmed based on a detailed project plan).

The Clinical Project Group will conduct an analysis of relevant content area of SNOMED CT as currently exists to:


  • Identify existing internationally agreed and understood clinical concepts.
  • Identify gaps in existing content and propose new content, based on evidence of usage, clinical validity, and international applicability.
  • Review existing Fully Specified Names (FSNs) to ensure that they represent a unique and unambiguous representation of the clinical concept. 
  • Review existing content (descriptions/synonyms) to ensure they represent internationally agreed and understood clinical concepts.
  • New content requests will go through the CRS submission process, and will need to include the definition, literature reference, or evidence of authoritative internationally understood and accepted definitions. 

SME for future review/expertise 

  • Following successful outcomes, members of the group will be offered the opportunity to remain in contact with SNOMED International to provide SME on future content and inquiry on sex and gender (clinical contact database).

The Project Group will advise on the development of specific detailed Implementation guidance.

For more information about the use of this area, please see the ds documentation and help guide.https://confluence.ihtsdotools.org/pages/resumedraft.action?draftId=115878667&draftShareId=3ccaa70f-7848-44f7-ada0-67a5fb5f7fe8&#

The Sex and Gender Clinical Project Group will meet 3rd Wednesday of every month at 2000 UTC, starting on 20 January

The Sex and Gender Clinical Project Group has a dedicated Zoom account - https://snomed.zoom.us/j/99263067277?pwd=TS93YS9RSnIxT1VwT1pjRkNOKzNVUT09 Password: 162233

Links to optional telephone numbers Web conferencing details

The link provides a Zoom discussion forum, which doesn't require a chair/lead person, but provides access to a discussion space. All the functionality is still available, video, scene share. The only limitation is that currently it is not possible to record the calls. If this is required, please contact a member of the SNOMED International staff.

Group membership

For details of group members - Group Membership

Discussion Forum

This provides a direct link to enable creation and review of discussion topics - Discussion Topics